Acadia’s Message from the Board for January

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Happy New Year Acadians! We hope that you had a safe and warm holiday season, and that your new year is merry and bright.

Kids’ Holiday Party Recap

Thank you to all of the families that came out to the Kids’ Holiday Party with their little ones. It is always fun to be able to usher in the holidays with the community. A big thank you to Justyna Jakimowicz of Royal LePage Realty for helping us ensure Santa was there to visit with all the kids! We would also like to thank Seeds of Success Early Learning for providing and facilitating our craft activities again this year. Last, but certainly not least, thank you to all of our volunteers for making the event a success! The Kids’ Holiday Party and our other events would be nothing without your incredible work and continued dedication to the community of Acadia.

Holiday Lights Contest Recap

A very special thank you to everyone who participated in the Holiday Lights Contest this year! Winner or not, everyone’s homes looked fantastic dressed up for the holidays. Acadia was truly shining, so thank you for putting up your dazzling displays! There were five fun prizes up for grabs, and the winners for each category have been announced on Facebook and Instagram @acacalgary, as well as on our community website Thank you to our wonderful judges for braving the cold and selecting our winners!

Annual Winter Carnival

Our next upcoming community event will be our Winter Carnival on February 8, so mark your calendars! The ACA Winter Carnival is our longest standing annual event, and as always, there will be plenty of winter activities for the whole family to enjoy. From games and prizes to horse drawn carriage rides, you won’t want to miss this incredible event! You can check out our website for up-to-date information on the Winter Carnival and other community events.

Spring Soccer Registrations Opening Soon

Our second season of grassroots soccer kicks off this April. Registrations will be opening up this month, so watch our website and social media for more information. To learn more about the program, how your child can participate, and how you can get involved, visit our website at

New Soccer Program Coordinator Needed!

Our wonderful soccer coordinator, Trudy, is retiring and we are in need of someone to take on this very important and rewarding role! Please reach out to [email protected] if you would like to learn more.

Are You Following Us on Social Media?

Keep up with us @acacalgary on our Facebook and Instagram social media platforms for the latest updates on all things happening with the ACA.

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