Acadia’s Volunteer Callout for June

Acadia cn

Community volunteers are an essential part of the Acadia Community Association. As a volunteer, you will make a tremendous impact on your community while gaining new skills and building new connections. There are a variety of ways for you to get involved. Please see below for what our current volunteer needs are and reach out to us if you can envision yourself in those positions, making a difference in the community you live in!

To learn more about these roles and to apply please contact [email protected] or visit

Communications Committee Chair: We need someone to take on the communications committee chair role to oversee support for ACA communications, including the website, Hello Acadia newsletter submissions, and our social media accounts. If you have experience in general digital communications and would like to learn more about this great opportunity, please get in touch today!

Community Engagement Committee Chair: Community programming is such an important cornerstone for a healthy and happy community. We are looking for someone who has a passion for facilitating programs for groups including but not limited to youth, mom & tots, and seniors. Contact us today for more information about what this role is all about.

Social Media Coordinators: Our social media team could use some more helping hands! There are so many exciting things happening in the community of Acadia, and we want to keep everyone informed and connected! We are looking to grow our social media team, and if you have experience in social media engagement and growth, please talk to us today!

Neighbour Day: We need individuals to help us attend/supervise the bouncy castles and greet people at the gates to the block party. There are several other roles available too! Get in contact with us to find out more and inquire about how you can contribute to this family-fun event!

Stampede Breakfast: Stampede is about the community getting together, and we need people to help us execute this event! There are roles to set-up and take down the decor, tables, and chairs for the event. As well as in the areas of food prep, food servers, ticket control officers, carnival game leaders, and kids’ activities attendants. Volunteers receive free admission for their family as well as priority front-of-line access for their family members. There’s also time for volunteers to enjoy all the festivities with their family. Reach out to us today!

Event Committee Members: Every fun event you’ve attended or heard about relies on key people to bring the plan together and execute it seamlessly. The events committee is currently looking for people who have a passion for specific events and would like to take the lead for these events on an ongoing annual basis. These events include Winter Carnival, Easter Egg Hunt, Neighbour Day, Stampede Breakfast, Movie in the Park, Fall Festival, BrewFest, and the Holiday Party. The success of these events relies heavily on our amazing community volunteers. We hope you will consider joining us and bring your creative touch to these awesome events!

Click here to the Acadia Community News home page for the latest Acadia community updates.


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