Auburn Bay Notes for April


Happy spring, Auburn Bay! Here are the updates for this month:

Please consider this notice as a reminder that our AGM will be hosted on April 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm and links to the meeting will be on the CA website: We would like to welcome Erica M. to the position of Interim Communications Director – we look forward to working with you in the coming years! We are still looking for a number of residents to step forward to fill the vacancies that currently exist on the Board – now is a great time to volunteer and join the Community Association!

The CBE is currently working on naming the two new schools in our community, and they will share the names the nomination committee has selected in the coming months.

The Auburn Bay Clean Up (parks and green spaces) will be hosted on April 30, 2022, and I am currently working on details, food, and finding volunteers. Remember that all CA events have been posted on Sign-Up Genius on the CA website and Facebook page so information can be found there in the days leading up to the events.

A reminder that the City of Calgary Community Clean Up is slated for July 16, 2022, and we have added donations, household paints, and ReMatt (car seat and mattress recycling, which is a paid service). This event will be hosted in the Prince of Peace parking lot, and we will be asking traffic to access the site from northbound Auburn Meadows Blvd, so it is a simple right turn into the parking lot.

Plans for the Stampede Breakfast are moving forward for July 9, 2022. If you know of a local business or group that would like to be involved, please contact me at [email protected].

The Community Garden is moving to its permanent spot, on the CA property at the west end of the Prince of Peace School, this spring. We have been busy meeting with a talented Garden Designer to work on a plan for the site that we can grow into in the coming years. Are you interested in renting a plot at the garden this season? Email us to get your name on the list as plots will be assigned in the coming month. Did you know that you can sponsor a plot for $50 and help those in need, as well as support the development and growth of the garden? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

The Community Kitchen Good Food Box program continues to grow each month and is a great opportunity to get affordable and delicious produce. You can get a small box (approximately 20 to 25 lbs.) for $25, medium (30 to 35 lbs.) for $30, or large (40 to 45 lbs.) for $35, delivered once a month. Recently, a local business, Urban Farm Connection, began offering Hutterite Farm chickens and eggs for sale and a portion of profits will be given to the Community Garden/Community Association. The City of Calgary is currently planning a pop-up vegetable market in Auburn Bay (produce grown in greenhouses near Lethbridge), and we are awaiting details on the program and what will be available.

I have been seeing a number of posts on social media from residents noting the disappointing and unsafe driving practices in the neighborhood. For anyone that is new to Alberta, please remember that all intersecting streets are to be considered pedestrian crosswalks, even if they are unmarked. You must yield to pedestrians at all times. The fine for not doing so is $776 and four demerit points in Alberta.

Auburn Bay has a large number of Facebook groups. There is a Pet Group, Seniors Group, Grillers Group, Ladies Group, Food Lovers Group, Gardening Group, Community Garden Group, Ladies Clothing Exchange Group, Business Group, Buy-Nothing Group… the list is nearly endless. Make sure to go and check these fabulous interest groups out.

Finally, a reminder that the next CA online meeting will be on May 11 at 7:00 pm. These meetings are open to everyone, and we look forward to having you there for your input and participation.

Happy Easter!

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director, Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)