Auburn Bay Notes for December


Auburn Bay Things to Note:

• Parade of Lights Update – January Edition

• Shed Update

• New Volunteer Form/Key Volunteers

• Casino: January 3 And 4

• Fruit Tree Pruning

Happy Holidays everyone,

I hope you are having a wonderful and safe Christmas break! I know I am looking forward to seeing some family coming in from Saskatchewan this year.

I will have a formal update on the Parade of Lights from November 30 in the next edition.

The old YYC green shed has finally been removed from the site and luckily there is just a small bit of work to do to level off the site, to let the grass take over once again. The new shed has working security lights and signage. We just have a couple of private property ones to add around the site. We have had a group of youths contact us to help out at the gardens (most of them are not from Auburn Bay), so I am looking forward to getting them to come out and help with a few projects.

We are still looking for some key volunteers to step forward and help with the future of the CA and Community Gardens, as my work life is getting busier, and many things are not getting the attention they need. Everyone keeps saying that they would like to be contacted by email/social media, but when I post items/send emails there is almost no response. So please ensure to follow the Auburn Bay Community Association on Facebook and mark [email protected] as a safe sender so that our emails don’t go into your junk folder. We need your help/involvement!

Do you enjoy the Parade of Lights and Stampede Breakfast, want to see the Autumn in the Bay event happen next year? We need your help with our primary fundraising activity: the AGLC casino. Please see the links on Facebook, on our website, or visit to sign up for a shift. The great news is that we got selected for January 3 to 4, 2025, which is the weekend and shifts are at the Deerfoot Inn & Casino. We will arrange carpooling for anyone needing a ride or alternative arrangements, please just let us know. With the next funds raised, we are hoping to come up with a plan to get electricity on the CA site so that we can have actual power for events.

I got to attend a fruit tree pruning session with the Calgary Horticultural Society and got to learn some great information. If you have fruit trees in your yards, fall is the time to prune, and the most you should be removing is 25% of the tree in a season. You can control the height of the trees to make harvesting easier, so next fall expect to be at the site to prune them back to a manageable size for the future. Additionally, we got a couple of “tree ring” watering systems and will be getting them in under some fresh mulch to help with watering/weed control.

Our new 55+ group continues to grow, so please ensure to share their information with others within the community that might be interested in socializing with other residents. They can be found on Facebook, by calling 403-744-5301, ext. 3, or by email at [email protected] for more information.

Plans for additional upgrades at the community gardens will continue to happen over the coming months, but we need some key volunteers to provide some input as to what they would like to see done. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] if you are interested in reserving a space for next year.

We have had a few new businesses approach us to be part of the discount program, we are looking forward to finalizing the details so that we can start sharing with the community. If you know of a local business that would be interested in some free advertising within the community, we have now created an online form for them to submit their proposals. Please check out our website and social media pages.

The Community Kitchen Good Food Box program continues to grow each month and is a great opportunity to get affordable and delicious produce. Thank you to Shannon W. for offering to be the pickup point for our depot. You can now get a small box (approximately 20 to 25lbs) for $30, medium (30 to 35lbs) for $35, or large (40 to 45lbs) for $40, delivered to Auburn Bay once a month. Please check out the post on our website for the Google Form to place your order. The last one for this year is December 2 for December 13 delivery.

Auburn Bay has a large number of Facebook groups. There is a Pet Group, Seniors Group, Grillers Group, Ladies Group, Food Lovers Group, Gardening Group, Community Garden Group, Ladies Clothing Exchange Group, Business Group, Buy-Nothing Group… the list is nearly endless. Make sure to go and check these fabulous interest groups out.

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director, Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)

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