Auburn Bay Notes for March


Things to Note:

• ABCA AGM Notice – April 9

• Thank you to our Past President – Terry R.

• New Volunteer Form/Key Volunteers – We Need Community Involvement!

• Casino January 3 and 4 – Volunteer Thank You!

• Community Gardens – Spots Open for 2025

Please consider this article as notice of the ABCA AGM to be hosted online on April 9, starting at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please see the posts on our website and Facebook pages.

I need to take a moment and thank from the bottom of my heart the amazing volunteer Terry Richard for all his dedication to Auburn Bay and the Community Association for these past eight years. Many of you never realized how selflessly he gave back to our community; from getting truckloads of mulch to cover the ground at the community gardens, to parade marshalling to ensure all parade participants were safe, to being my support at all community events and a great overall resource when we needed it. Your presence will be greatly missed, and we hope your next chapter on the East Coast will be a great one in yours and Anick’s life.

Now with Terry leaving our board, we are still looking for some key volunteers to step forward and help with the future of the CA and Community Gardens, as my work life is getting busier by the months, and many things are not getting the attention they need. Everyone keeps saying that they would like to be contacted by email/social media, but when I post items and send emails there is almost no response. So please ensure to follow the “Auburn Bay Community Association” on Facebook and that [email protected] is a safe sender so that our emails don’t go into your junk folder. We need your help and involvement!

Thank you to all the volunteers that stepped forward to help with our second casino held on January 3 and 4, 2025, it was another successful event. I have to say that it will be the last time I can stay up until 4:00 am to do the cash room duties – it took me a couple of days to reset and recover, I am definitely not young anymore. Thank you to the casino advisors, as they were a great help.

We had hoped to use some of the funds from the casino towards getting a power source on the CA site, but that looks like it may not happen. We are still trying to find the nearest power source that we can tie into, and it looks like it might be in the middle of the Avenue. We definitely do not have funds to dig up and repave a road in our budget, so we are looking for other options.

There are various educational workshops and engagement sessions going on regarding a variety of items that will affect life in Auburn Bay. We have asked our social media person to post on our Facebook page, so please ensure to check out what is going on. There is everything from transit feedback, to our grassroot soccer registration in partnership with Foothill Soccer, and horticultural workshops.

Our new 55+ group continues to grow, so please ensure to share their information with others within the community that might be interested in socializing with other residents. They can be found on Facebook, by phone at 403-744-5301, ext. 3, or you can email [email protected] for more information.

Plans for additional upgrades at the community gardens will continue to happen over the coming months, but we need some key volunteers to provide some input as to what they would like to see done. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] if you are interested in reserving a space for next year.

The Community Kitchen Good Food Box program continues to grow each month and is a great opportunity to get affordable and delicious produce. Thank you to Shannon W. for offering to be the pickup point for our depot. You can now get a small box (approximately 20 to 25 lbs.) for $30, medium (30 to 35 lbs.) for $35, or large (40 to 45 lbs.) for $40, delivered to Auburn Bay once a month. Please check out the post on our website for the Google form to place your order. The next one will be March 10 for March 21 delivery, the link to the online order form has been shared.

Auburn Bay has a large number of Facebook groups. There is a Pet Group, Seniors Group, Grillers Group, Ladies Group, Food Lovers Group, Gardening Group, Community Garden Group, Ladies Clothing Exchange Group, Business Group, Buy-Nothing Group… the list is nearly endless. Make sure to go and check these fabulous interest groups out.

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director, Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)

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