Auburn Bay Notes for September


Happy fall everyone, we hope you had a safe and wonderful summer!

Many people may have noticed that my article was not in the “Summer Editions” of the newsletter. After six years, I finally ended up taking official summer holidays and decided to prioritize where I could volunteer my time, and unfortunately, the newsletter was left off the list. Thank you to Lana D. for helping me find the motivation to change the road signs, we hope to be working more on utilizing them to communicate with the community in the coming months.

It has been a busy couple of months for the CA, from hosting our annual events, to hosting new events and working on the replacement shed. Many more updates to come in the months ahead.

We would like to give a huge shout out to A&W 130th for their continued support of the Stampede Breakfast, it was definitely our largest one yet. We ended up expanding on our idea from last year by holding a waste disposal station to ensure that all waste was separated out correctly. A huge thank you to Junk Works for hauling away all the waste at the end of the event; the kids had a great time sitting in their truck. We were fortunate enough to host the Lady of the Rockies marching band this year, they did such an amazing job. And to all the other businesses/organizations and volunteers that were part of it, thank you for your continued support, it couldn’t happen without you.

We hosted the YYC cleanup on August 25 and will have an update in the next edition. Thank you to Prince of Peace school for the use of their parking lot for the day.

We would like to thank our local youth Saina for sharing her passion for art, by helping us host six weeks of art classes for kids under 12. I got to meet some amazing local kids. Thank you to the Calgary Co-op Auburn Bay for the use of their community room.

The replacement of the green shed continues as we did find out that anything placed on commercial land requires a development and building permit. We are in the final stages of getting a new gravel pad done before they can install concrete pillars to anchor the shed to complete the process, definitely very intensive considering how easy it was to get the loaner from the City done. There are a few other upgrades happening at the CA site/Community Garden in the coming months before winter comes.

The application for the Parade of Lights to be held on November 30 has been submitted. If you know of any business/group that would like to be part of it, please advise them to email [email protected] or call the CA office at 403-744-5301, ext. 1.

Our new 55+ group continues to grow, so please continue to share their information with others within the community that might be interested in socializing with other residents. Find them on Facebook, call 403-744-5301, ext. 3, or email [email protected] for more information.

The community garden continues to grow, even with the severe watering restrictions we faced at the beginning of the season, and there are more to come at the end of August. We look forward to seeing the harvest that resulted despite these restrictions. Please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will add you to the waitlist for next year.

We did also host a very last-minute rain barrel sale, which was quite successful considering it happened after the first wave of water restrictions were removed. Thank you to all the customers and volunteers that helped out that day.

We have had a few new businesses approach us to be part of the discount program, we are looking forward to finalizing the details so that we can start sharing with the community. If you know of a local business that would be interested in some free advertising within the community, we have now created an online form for them to submit their proposals. Please check out our website and social media pages.

The Community Kitchen Good Food Box program continues to grow each month and is a great opportunity to get affordable and delicious produce. Unfortunately, our volunteer Tracy S., has decided to go back to school and we are looking for another pick-up option at the end of this year. You can now get a small box (approximately 20 to 25lbs.) for $30, medium (30 to 35lbs.) for $35, or large (40 to 45lbs.) for $40, delivered to Auburn Bay once a month. Please check out the post on our website for the Google form to place your order. Next date is September 16 for September 27 delivery.

Auburn Bay has a large number of Facebook groups. There is a Pet Group, Seniors Group, Grillers Group, Ladies Group, Food Lovers Group, Gardening Group, Community Garden Group, Ladies Clothing Exchange Group, Business Group, Buy-Nothing Group… the list is nearly endless. Make sure to go and check these fabulous interest groups out.

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director, Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)

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