Auburn Bay Notes from February


Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our new CA Meeting Night. Please remember that effective January 2022, all meetings will be on the second Wednesday of the month starting at 7:00 pm. Links to the meetings, and past minutes and agendas, are now available online.

This is the quiet time of the year, and we are just awaiting a date for the City Service Clean Up so that we can make arrangements for the Auburn Bay Parks/GreenSpace Clean Up in conjunction. I have requested the last two weekends of May and the first in June as our three options. I confirmed with the realtor who hosts the Community Garage Sale that she is looking at the May 14th weekend. We are making plans for the Stampede Breakfast on July 9, 2022, and will be needing many groups to get involved, so if you know of a small local business that would want to be a part of it, please let them know to reach out to me for more information.

Our new system of using SignUp Genius to find volunteers has had a few new people stepping forward to help out already. Thank you for supporting this new system. Another exciting part is that I am approaching local businesses to get gift cards that we can use to draw from the names of volunteers to help give back for all their efforts, so the more times a person helps, the better chance they will get the opportunity to enjoy a meal or other donation on us. All of the Community Association board members are volunteers that do not get paid for all the efforts we make towards our amazing events. We really do want to see the Parade of Lights, Making Spirits Bright, Stampede Breakfast, and clean ups continue into the future, but we really do need the help and support of our community. Please consider volunteering with us so that we can continue to hold events throughout the year. We would also like to know the best way to communicate with you about such events and volunteer opportunities? Please take the time to fill out our form at so that we can get a better understanding of how to best reach you and encourage your participation.

Did you know that Auburn Bay has two local depots for the Community Kitchen Good Food Box program? It is a local organization that arranges the production of hampers that consist of a variety of mixed veggies and fruits. You can get a small (approximately 20 to 25lbs) for $25, medium (30 to 35lbs) for $30, or large (40 to 45lbs) for $35, delivered once a month. The link to the current year order form (depot 2) is on the homepage of the CA website. If you are looking for some fresh leafy greens, please make sure to check out NuLeaf Farms ( for a full list of items that you can pick up by the Deerfoot Inn. Ensure to enter “Auburn Bay” in the box at check out and they will donate a portion of the proceeds to the community garden.

Did you know that Auburn Bay has a large number of Facebook groups? There is a Pet Group, Seniors Group, Grillers Group, Ladies Group, Food Lovers Group, Gardening Group, Community Garden Group, Ladies Clothing Exchange Group… the list is nearly endless. Make sure to go and check these fabulous interest groups out.

Finally, a reminder that the next CA online meeting will be on February 9 at 7:00 pm. These meetings are open to everyone, and we look forward to having you there for your input and participation.

Happy holidays to you and yours!

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director, Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)