September Notes from Auburn Bay


Plans for our first community event scheduled for August 29 are well underway. AHS has advised us that we are still at the 100 people max with food having to be provided by food trucks. All the supplies for games will have to be sanitized in between groups. I am sure that we will still have a lot of fun. Our large party tent has arrived, and we will be setting it up for the first time that day. If all goes well, we will be hoping to utilize it more during the year for other community events.

Part of learning about new details for this event is that I learned that there are a couple of disc golf courses in the city and am looking forward to getting out and trying them.

At our online September 2 meeting, the CA board will be discussing hosting an informal Community Clean-Up, with more details to be posted on our website and social media. The link to join the meeting will be posted on our website and there is a local phone number for you to join by phone. Everyone from the community is welcome to attend.

We have been getting some amazing community involvement/engagement after posting the Playground Ambassadors videos. The kids did an amazing job with their assigned playgrounds. I know that they have been shared on our Facebook page and Celina is working with our IT company to get them shared elsewhere. Thank you to the following sponsors who made the gift bags for the kids possible: A&W Auburn Station, Big Pink Chair Realty, Superstore Seton, Auburn Station Co-Op, Boston Pizza Seton, Red Skull Comics, 247 Electric, and Foothills Soccer. In addition to our Elected Officials: MP Tom Kmiec, MLA Matt Jones, and Councillor Shane Keating.

Another main complaint I have been seeing online is the fact that many dog owners are not being responsible in picking up their pets’ waste. The fine is $250.00 and leaving it on the ground exposes any other pets to any of the bacteria/diseases which can also wash into the drains and back into our rivers. The City has placed various garbage cans along the Blvd/Ave to ensure that there is adequate coverage to be able to dispose of the waste. If they need to be emptied, please call 3-1-1 and let them know of the location needing service.

Just a reminder that the main roads of the Blvd and Ave are both two lanes of traffic, with the right lane being a “parking lane”, as needed. We have asked the city to extend the lane marking by the lights since many people are driving in the middle of the road once they pass the lane markings or will just randomly change lanes, or turn right from the left lane.

If you are having issues with a neighbour, please note that has a free service that you can utilize. We know it can be hard to have a conversation and they can help with the dialogue.

Recently I discovered a food program that is offered by Community Kitchen where you can order a box of mixed seasonal fruits and vegetables. They are delivered to various depots throughout the city. I set up a secondary depot in the community for any new people who want to try out the program. Please see our website and Facebook page for the link to the next order, which is due by noon on September 7, 2020. The form has photos of the recent box as an example.

We have had a rash of thefts from yards around the community. I wanted to repeat the details of the free bike registry that allows people to register various equipment such as stollers, wheelchairs, skateboards, bike trailers, and personal mobility devices, just to name a few. If the equipment is stolen, the registry can help with returning it if you report it. Please check out their site,, for additional information and has additional resources and tips.

The one great thing about our community is the social media presence we have with over 65 groups that relate to almost every interest you might have, from Seniors to Gardeners to Good Food Box. We have been asking for feedback on various community projects. Please remember we need your input to help us understand what concerns/issues you feel we need to work on.

My favorite quote is “Volunteering is the price you are willing to pay for the community you want to live in”. What does your community look like and have you paid the price to live there? Our next online meeting will be on September 2, 2020, and we look forward to having you there for your input.

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director | Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)