Chaparral’s President’s Message for June

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Good day Chaparralians,

Community Cleanup is just around the corner. It will run on Sunday, June 11, from 9:00 am to about 1:30 pm, plus and minus a few minutes depending on the volume. We will close the line up to allow the City truck to leave promptly at 2:00 pm. Even though we will have electronic recycling, metal bins, and a bicycle drop-off this year, as usual, there are still some items that will not be accepted during the cleanup. Please look up our social media post or check our website for the full list. Some of the more obvious items that we won’t accept are tires, chemicals, paint, and appliances with a refrigeration component. These items can be taken to our local landfill and some of them will be accepted free of charge. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. I am looking forward to “working” this event as I do every year. If you are available to volunteer, I am sure we can use your help. There will also be coffee and a light lunch provided for the volunteers.

As the days are getting longer and weather warmer, here is a little reminder to pay attention to your speed in the playground zones; we have a few in the community and it seems like almost daily we have posts on social media that someone is in too much of a hurry to pay attention. Another reminder about your speed in the construction zone on the bridge – please remember that the speed limit is active all the time, even when the workers are not present. When workers are present, the fines for speeding double. I know that some people think that it is not fair, and we should go back to the old ways when the speed limit should be in effect only when the workers are present, but I believe that it is not just about the workers, it is about ever changing, in some places, traffic flow patterns.

Depending on when this magazine is out, I hope that you have either voted already or are voting soon. Someone once told me, and this puts thing in a different perspective, that you do not waste your vote by voting for someone who may lose or if the outcome is too obvious. You’re wasting your vote by abstaining. Please vote and remember that it is your right, so exercise it. Cast your vote to send a message or cast your vote to support your candidate. Vote!

“Nothing so rare as a day in June,

The air so fine and the blossoms all blue.

The weather just perfect, the skies never gray.

The bugs always buzzing, and the trees seem to sway.

The sun beats so warmly on the tenderness of my skin,

And the birds…they fly far away in the wind.

June is the month that carries a tune,

Its beautiful melody floats like a balloon.”

 – Danielle Owens

Contributed by Anton Ovtchinnikov, CCA President

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