Copperfield’s February President’s Message


Hello again Copperfield!

While the weather outside might be getting colder, things around Copperfield are starting to heat up! Recently Mahogany has started their own Community Association, which means for the first time ever, Copperfield is its own CA! We will still partner with Mahogany for some things and are excited for what is to come!

Starting soon we have some members only events at the hall. Events like a book club, gaming groups, and seniors club are coming to Copperfield. More details to come on our Facebook page at Also, in February, we’re having a Family Skate Day at the outdoor rink. Skates and helmets will be available to borrow for free during the event. We’ll post more details on our Facebook page as we get closer to the date.

With the colder weather, more and more people are starting their vehicles to warm them up before heading out from their homes. To prevent vehicle theft, please remember to never leave your keys in your vehicle unless you are there with them! Use a remote starter or remain in your vehicle while it is running to prevent someone from driving away in your freshly warmed vehicle!

If you have any questions or would like to learn how you can volunteer either for events or other ways to help our community, please send me an email at [email protected]. Our volunteers are amazing individuals, and we could not do any of this without them!

Thank you.

Jason Fiander