Deer Ridge’s August Message from the Board


It’s been a busy summer! Here’s a roundup of some of the things that have been happening and will happen as we move forward to the end of summer.

Deer Ridge Community Clean Up

The Dear Ridge Community Clean up, at Queensland Community Hall, on Sunday, June 23 was a great success again this year. We filled dumpster after dumpster with unwanted items, and cleaned up our yards, our basements, and our Deer Ridge community. A heartfelt thank you to the organizing team, and the volunteers, who worked tirelessly to direct traffic and get everything sorted to where it had to go.

Deer Ridge Community Festival

The Deer Ridge Community Festival was held June 30, at Deer Point Plaza, and a great time was had by all. Thank you to the organizers and volunteers, and to you, for coming out to share some fun with your neighbours, participate in the games and good times, and make new friends.

Shady Park Playground Installation

Shady Park playground on Deer Ridge Way has new equipment! Thank you to the many wonderful volunteers who helped make this possible on the first weekend in July. Your participation and hard work was outstanding – you braved the weather and the mud, and you made it happen! Many thanks, also, to Dawn Wallace, for her countless hours of work to recruit feedback from the community, and select the best vendor, working with them right to the end. Congratulations and a heartfelt thank you to Dawn, and each and every volunteer who worked on this project and helped bring it in a day early!

Community Gardens

The gardens are growing well. Bob Hall and his team have been working hard to put new frames on the beds that needed them. They have also added PVC hoop covers to the beds, in hopes of discouraging marauding wildlife. Community members who rented these beds are enjoying a great harvest this year.


The rinks have been getting a new coating this summer, courtesy of Bob Hall and his brigade of volunteers. This work begun last year, but had to be halted due to the weather, so we’re very grateful to the volunteers doing this work, for coming out yet again to finish the job.

Movie in the Park

Movie in the Park was held in July this year, in hopes of a lovely warm summer evening. A big thank you to the volunteers, the donors, and everyone who came out, for making this a great success. A huge thank you goes out to Alana Somers, who organized Movie in the Park for us once again this year, as she has for several years running. However, this was Alana’s last year organizing this event for us, and we’re actively looking for someone who would like to take this on. Please let a member of the Board know if you love event planning and are interested, or come to a Board meeting and let us know in person.

Deer Ridge Community Association Meetings

Community Association meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month, from September through June each year. The next regular Deer Ridge Community Association meeting will be held September 17, at Trico Centre, 11150 Bonaventure Dr. SE, at 7:00 pm.

Volunteer with us

You’ve read above about some of the work that’s going on to keep your community beautiful, and an active, great place to live. There are many more interesting activities that go into keeping our Deer Ridge a community worth living in, such as, for example, our casino night. Casino night is when we earn the dollars that keep our community projects funded, and it’s another community volunteer supported undertaking. Think you have a skill, time, or enthusiasm to offer in any of these areas? Would you enjoy the camaraderie of working with a dedicated and fun team, with a purpose? We would love to hear from you. Please contact a board member, email us at our website, or come to a Board meeting, and let us know.