Deer Ridge’s June Message from the Board


As I write this, we are still in a state of COVID restrictions, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the start of summer. Calgary’s warm season is so short, we need to get out into our yards to enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, and relaxation that time outside can bring. And who doesn’t need that right now?

Community Garden

Another way to get outside and get some exercise is to get your hands dirty in the community garden. We are very excited to say that our Community Garden is open this year, and you are still welcome to join. Applications can be found online at

The City of Calgary will again be providing finished compost from the green cart composting program this year.

A community garden plot can provide fresh and tasty organic vegetables and greens, additional food security, and fewer trips to the grocery store. Healthy eating and savings – what’s not to love? It’s also great exercise and a great way to get to know your neighbours – at a distance this year. COVID-19 safety, physical distancing, and disinfection requirements are posted at the Community Gardens, and will be provided with your garden plot membership.


Our tennis courts, lacrosse at the rink, and our playgrounds are not open this year, pursuant to City of Calgary regulations. Soccer at the Yellow Slide Park fields is also not happening. The June Parade of Garage Sales has been cancelled, there will be no late June Community Festival, and the Deer Ridge Community Clean-Up has been cancelled. When I look at this list of cancellations, I am suddenly reminded of what an active community we are – congratulations, Deer Ridge; keep up the good work! This is what makes a community!

Gardening/Landscaping at Home

Did you know that the City of Calgary provides free mulch to home gardeners? The mulch is created from Christmas trees that have been chipped. The mulch can be acidic in nature, so is not recommended for use around tender annuals, but is great for use around evergreens and garden displays. Calgarians can pick up as much as two truckloads from the East Calgary Landfill, at no charge, on a first-come, first-serve basis.

40 Years of Community!

Deer Ridge Community Association celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, although the lands for Deer Ridge were annexed as early as 1961. Prior to that, the lands were used for farming and ranching, and were a part of the Bow Valley Farm, and BwMore information about the history of Deer Ridge in Calgary is on our website at

If you have knowledge of the prior history of the lands that the community of Deer Ridge was built upon, we would be so happy to hear it and put it in the newsletter and on our website.