December is here again – the season of festivity, decorations and brightly coloured lights, happy family times, good food, merriment, and good will. And while there may not be good will amongst people all over the world, as we might wish, we truly need to be grateful for the peace and goodwill we enjoy in our corner of the world, right here in Deer Ridge.
Winter Safety
The cold weather is here again and with it comes ice and snow on our sidewalks and streets. Please remember to take your time driving on our community streets during slippery, snowy weather, but be quick to clear and de-ice your sidewalks within 24 hours of every snowfall. Everyone’s safety depends on it.
Ice Rinks
The community ice rinks will be flooded as soon as the cold weather holds for a while. Bob Hall and the rink volunteers will be busy again flooding and grooming the shinny rink and the pleasure rink. If you’re one of the many skating fans who just can’t wait, keep checking – the ice will soon be perfect. And if you’d like to help with rink maintenance, please email to let us know, or speak with Bob Hall or a volunteer when you see them at the rink.
January Family Skate Party
The community will host a January Family Ice Skating Party again this year. Watch for the date in an email blast to members and in the January newsletter. This is one event you don’t want to miss – we’ll have hot dogs and hot chocolate, hot coffee, a warming fire, music, a shinny game open to everyone in the hockey rink, and leisure skating and little ones learning to skate on the pleasure rink. The Family Skate Party is totally free and open to anyone and everyone in the community, so bring your friends and family, and plan to have a wonderful time.
Casino Volunteers Needed
Your community association is a non-profit organization registered with Alberta Societies. As such, a large portion of our funding is from AGLC fundraising casinos. AGLC (Alberta Gaming, Liquor, and Cannabis) is the overseeing agency. A portion of the funds from all casinos in Alberta is pooled and allocated to various non-profits and charities within the province – ours is one of these.
This funding is very significant in supporting and maintaining your community amenities. We receive a portion of the funds if we provide volunteers to fill positions for two days at a casino.
Volunteers are still needed for the following positions:
• Cashiers
• Chip Runners
• Count Room Staff (Sorter, Counter, Recorder, Amalgamator)
This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbours and help ensure AGLC funding is available for amenities and programs such as the new shade shelter at Yellow Slide Park, community ice rinks and tennis courts, maintenance and replacement of aging structures in playgrounds, offering community programs, and creating special events like Movie at Yellow Slide Park, or the January Family Skate!
Our 2025 Casino dates are Wednesday, January 15 and Thursday, January 16, at Deerfoot Inn & Casino (11500 35 St SE).
Day shifts are 11:00 am to 7:30 pm, night shifts are 7:00 pm to 3:30 am, and count room is 11:00 pm to 3:30 am. Training is provided. Meals are free for volunteers and transportation is available if needed.
Please help us ensure we can continue to fund your community amenities – volunteer to help at one of the casino dates!
Visit for more information and to sign-up or contact us directly.
Do you enjoy living in Deer Ridge? Want to take part in keeping this community vibrant, with plenty of amenities for adults and children? We invite you to become a community association member!
Deer Ridge Community Association is a volunteer run non-profit group. Your membership contributes directly to the community. Your $15 per year membership dues are used to support your community playgrounds, rinks, tennis court, and other amenities, and your voice will help make decisions for what is needed or wanted in the community.
If you haven’t bought your 2024-2025 membership yet, we invite you to add your voice and become a member today. Memberships are still only $15 per household. All memberships expire annually August 31. You can purchase your membership:
• Online from our website at
• By downloading the membership form and returning it by mail with payment.
• By filling in the membership form in this newsletter and returning it by mail with payment.
If you are already a member, we thank you for your participation and commitment to your community!
We wish you a very happy and safe festive season, and all the best in the New Year – let’s make 2025 a great year!
Click here to the Deer Ridge Community News home page for the latest Deer Ridge community updates.