Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for February

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Hello Deer Ridge! Here we are in February, the month of love, and we look forward to sharing with you our love of community and friends, through the wonderful, exciting things we’ve been doing and planning.

Annual January Family Skate

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Deer Ridge Community Association Annual Family Winter Skate, on Saturday, January 11, at the Deer Ridge outdoor rinks. We had a great number of people join us again this year for skating, shinny hockey, music, the fire pit, hot dogs, and hot chocolate, and we hope everyone had a wonderful time.

Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers who worked hard to make this happen – those who tended the ice for days ahead of time, as well as before and after on the day of the event; those who grilled and served hot dogs, made sure there were condiments, hot chocolate and water, tended the fire and the music, and those who cleaned up afterwards. Putting on this event takes many volunteers and a lot of teamwork, and our dedicated crew never disappoints. Thank you, volunteers!

Thank you also to our neighbourhood corporate sponsors – we are so grateful for your support in these events. Your participation and generosity are very meaningful to us. See these sponsors recognized on our Deer Ridge CA website.

Deer Ridge Fundraising Casino

Our 2025 Casino on Wednesday, January 15 and Thursday, 16 at Deerfoot Inn & Casino was a great success, thanks to those who came out for the day and night shifts to volunteer their time and efforts to support our community in this fundraiser.

Volunteers enjoyed a fun evening and great meals, while meeting neighbours and helping to ensure AGLC funding is available to provide amenities and programs such as community ice rinks and tennis courts, the new shade shelter recently built at Yellow Slide Park, special events like Movie in the Park, and to replace aging structures in playgrounds.

Casino volunteers, we are so grateful to you. You were there to support us by working at this fundraiser, which is the single greatest source of funds for our community, and we salute you.

Deer Ridge Family Day Event

Deer Ridge Community Association is planning to put on a Family Day event on Sunday, February 16, 2025, from 12:00 to 3:00 pm, at the community ice rinks, weather permitting. There will be family-friendly activities, hot dogs and hot chocolate, possibly skating if the ice holds, and lots of family fun – watch your emails for our bulletin with details.

Fish Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project and Information Session

We hope you were able to attend The City of Calgary information session regarding the much-needed upgrades to the Fish Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant on February 5, and that you were able to get all your questions answered.

Want to learn more? Visit or

City of Calgary Property Tax

Annual City of Calgary property tax assessments were mailed in January. Have you received yours? Be sure to review your assessment for accuracy during the Customer Review Period, which lasts 67 days after your assessment notice was mailed. Are you missing your assessment? If it hasn’t arrived in the mail, be sure to go online and review it here:

City of Calgary and Residential Snow and Ice Clearing

Calgary’s snowiest month of the year (March) is still to come. Be sure you know what to expect and what to do, when those snow drifts pile up on your roadway, sidewalks, and drive.

Property owners must clear sidewalks within 24 hours post-snowfall. The City is expected to do the same with its property’s sidewalks.

What should you do with all that snow? Snow from a public space, such as a sidewalk, may be shoveled onto another public space, such as a roadway, but please don’t block any access points. If you are shoveling from private property, such as your driveway, this needs to go on your own private property. For example, on your lawn or where it will do the most good in springtime.

Want more information? Go to

The City of Calgary still has a sand/pea gravel-salt mixture called pickle available for individual use on sidewalks bordering private properties. Pickle helps break down snow and ice, making it easier for you to comply with the bylaw regulating snow and ice removal. Details including where to get pickle can be found at

Want to know more about how, when, and in what order the City clears roadways of snow and ice, and when your street may possibly be cleared? Snow plan priorities information is available here:

There’s a helpful FAQs page at The page includes a link to the Road Conditions Map showing the locations of snowplows and sanding trucks, which routes are maintained, and which routes have already been cleared, as well as where the traffic cameras are located. Check the traffic cams on your planned route, to view road conditions for yourself.


Deer Ridge Community Association invites you to join us by becoming a new member or keep actively involved by renewing your membership. Add your voice to determining the direction of your community by becoming a member today!

We invite Deer Ridge residents to actively participate in the decisions shaping your community. Community residents with membership are encouraged to vote at Annual General Meetings and all membership meetings.

The Deer Ridge Community Association is a volunteer run, non-profit group, and your membership contributes directly to the community in many ways.

Memberships are still only $15 per household. All memberships expire annually on August 31.

Purchase your membership:

• Directly online on our website:,

• By downloading the membership form and returning it by mail with your payment, or

• Return the membership form from this newsletter, together with payment, by mail.

If you are already a member, we sincerely thank you for your participation and commitment to your community!

Upcoming Board Meetings

The Board of Directors meets monthly, at 7:00 pm, on the third Tuesday of the month.

The next meeting is Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 7:00 pm in the Boardroom of the Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd, located at 13811 Deer Ridge Dr SE. Please contact us if you are interested in attending, volunteering on the board, or would like something discussed at a board meeting.

Click here to the Deer Ridge Community News home page for the latest Deer Ridge community updates.