Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for January

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Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed a joyful, warm, and merry festive season, and we wish you good health, good fortune, and much happiness in 2025. Let’s make it a good one, Deer Ridge!

Annual January Family Skate

The Deer Ridge Community Association will once again host our Annual Family Winter Skate, on Saturday, January 11, from noon to 4:00 pm, at the Deer Ridge outdoor rinks, at 155 Deermont Way SE, beside the community gardens, in the SW corner of the Don Bosco School green space.

This popular event is always well attended, and we hope you will join us for some pleasure skating, shinny hockey, visits with friends and neighbours, music, a toasty warm fire, and free hot dogs and hot chocolate. Admission is free. Just dress warmly and come join us. Bring your beautiful smile, or if you happen to have misplaced yours, there’ll be plenty of smiles to go ‘round and lots of folks who’d love to share theirs with you.

Casino Volunteers Needed

Our 2025 Casino dates are Wednesday, January 15 and Thursday, 16 at Deerfoot Inn & Casino (11500 35 Street SE, Calgary, AB).

We need volunteers to fill positions of Cashier, Chip Runners, and Count Room! If you are able to commit to volunteering for any of the following shifts or as a spare, please contact us or sign up online.

Visit for more information and to sign-up or contact us directly at [email protected].

Training is provided. Meals are no expense to the volunteer and transportation is available if needed.

This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbours and help ensure AGLC funding is available to provide amenities and programs such as community ice rinks and tennis courts, the new shade shelter at Yellow Slide Park, special events like Movie in the Park, and to replace aging structures in playgrounds.

Fish Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project and Info Session

The City of Calgary has provided us with notice that they will be “undertaking much needed upgrades to the Fish Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. This plant plays a critical role in treating wastewater before it is released as clean water into the Bow River.

These important upgrades are required to enhance the treatment processes for regulatory compliance and to support community and industrial growth in the south area of the city. These upgrades and enhancements will ensure that the facility continues to provide reliable wastewater treatment for Calgarians, with a focus on protecting the environment. Other benefits from this upgrade include new high quality odour control systems, the reduction of noise emissions, and the incorporation of visual berming, landscaping, and lighting, to improve the visual aesthetic of the plant.

The plant will remain operational throughout the duration of the project. Construction will take place on the current site footprint starting in 2025 and continuing until 2031”.

Upcoming Information Session

The City of Calgary invites you to attend a short presentation from the project team, where you can learn more about this infrastructure project, meet the team, and ask questions.

Location: Deer Run School

Address: 2127 146 Ave SE

Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Optional presentation from 6:30 to 7:00 pm.

Open house format from 7:00 to 8:30 pm.

For more information on the important role wastewater treatment plants play, visit:

CPS Community Safety Dashboard

The Calgary Police Service has developed a new Community Safety Dashboard for viewing crime stats within the city. The dashboard provides crime stats for the entire city, and you can narrow your search down to just a single community, a police district, or a ward, if you like.

Find the dashboard at

City of Calgary Property Tax Calculator

Yes, it’s that time of year again – property tax notices come out every January. Want to get ahead of that and find out what you’re likely to see on your 2025 Property Tax Bill and where that money goes? The City of Calgary says, “Get an estimate and breakdown of your property tax bill and learn how we invest your property tax dollars to deliver the municipal services Calgarians value and use every day.”

The City of Calgary Property Tax Calculator may be found here:

City of Calgary Sidewalk Sand-Salt Mix

During the winter, the City of Calgary makes available a sand/pea gravel-salt mixture, called pickle, for individual use on sidewalks bordering private properties. Pickle helps break down snow and ice, making it easier for you to comply with the bylaw regulating snow and ice removal.

Find out details, including where to get pickle at:

Bow Bottom Trail Drainage Improvement Project

The City of Calgary has been collecting community input on an upcoming project to improve the drainage around Bow Bottom Trail, saying, “Queensland Off-Leash Dog Park, along Bow Bottom Trail near Canyon Meadows Drive has been identified for future development of a dry pond to prevent flooding along Bow Bottom Trail and nearby properties. During significant rainfall events, the roadway along Bow Bottom Trail towards Canyon Meadows Drive becomes impassable which creates a safety risk to drivers and people in the area.”

Queensland Off-Leash Dog Park users were notified that a dry pond would be developed and invited to provide feedback by January 2 on what they currently enjoy about the space and what additional features would improve the usage of the area.

If you are a user of this off-leash area or are interested in engaging with the City about the amenities that will be offered in the new development, you will have an opportunity to provide input during Phase 2, Explore Options, scheduled for spring, 2025. Phase 2 will take the form of Public Engagement seeking online feedback for features that could enhance the existing space.


Deer Ridge Community Association’s annual membership drive is ongoing. If you have not yet purchased your 2024-2025 membership, we invite you to add your voice to determining the direction of your community by becoming a member today.

We invite Deer Ridge residents to actively participate in the decisions shaping your community. Residents of the community with membership are encouraged to vote at Annual General Meetings and all membership meetings.

Your membership contributes directly to the community. The Deer Ridge Community Association is a volunteer run non-profit group.

Memberships are still only $15 per household. All memberships expire annually August 31.

You may purchase your membership:

• Directly online on our website:,

• By downloading the membership form and returning it by mail with payment, or

• By returning the membership form from this newsletter by mail with payment.

If you are already a member, we sincerely thank-you for your participation and commitment to your community!

Upcoming Board Meetings

The Board of Directors meets monthly, at 7:00 pm, on the third Tuesday of the month.

The next meeting is Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 7:00 pm in the Boardroom of the Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd, located at 13811 Deer Ridge Dr SE. Please contact us if you are interested in attending, volunteering on the Board, or if you have anything you would like the Board to discuss at the meeting.

Cover Photo – November Newsletter

The newsletter coordinator would like to take this opportunity to apologize to Mr. Bob Hall and acknowledge the oversight of not crediting to him the photo showing the new Yellow Slide Park shelter, which was used on the cover of the November edition of the Deer Ridge Journal. Many thanks, Bob, for contributing this excellent photo!

Click here to the Deer Ridge Community News home page for the latest Deer Ridge community updates.