Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for June


Deer Ridge Community Gardens

The Deer Ridge Community Gardens are in full swing again this year, with happy and proud gardeners planting for summer harvests in every bed. In late April and in May, Mr. Bob Hall oversaw the organization of gardeners and volunteers who got the season started, made significant repairs to the beds, and completed the yearly spring maintenance. We are very grateful to our volunteers for their hard work, and to the City of Calgary for their donation of compost again this year.

Preparing community garden beds for the 2022 Season. Photo courtesy of Mr. Bob Hall


Deer Ridge is very lucky to have dedicated volunteers helping to make this a great community. Volunteers organize and run our special events, help get us funding by working at casinos, and act as community ambassadors with a booth at local festivals and barbecues. We are very grateful to these volunteers, who come out not only to provide a special experience for community members, but also because there’s a sense of accomplishment, fun, and camaraderie in working together on such worthwhile endeavors. If you’d like to join us in keeping good things happening in our Deer Ridge, please connect with us at [email protected].

Lanis and Kim – Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt 2022. Photo courtesy of Mr. Bob Hall

Volunteers repair garden beds – April 2022. Photo courtesy of Mr. Bob Hall


Membership is your ticket to vote at the Deer Ridge Community Association AGM, as well as to have a voice in what happens in your community, get the inside scoop on what’s planned and what’s happening, and be a part of making things happen. Membership in the Deer Ridge Community Association is still only $15 for the year, and you can join using the form in this newsletter, or online at

Deer Ridge CA Annual General Meeting

Deer Ridge Community Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on June 15 at 7:00 pm. Watch the Deer Ridge website for details. You must be a member and attend in-person to vote on any matters presented and to cast your vote for new and returning board members.

There will be no board meetings in July or August. Regular board meetings begin again in September.

Deer Ridge Community Walkways

Deer Ridge is lucky to have several walkways, catwalks, and shortcuts through the community – and some of these need significant repair. The walkways are maintained by the City of Calgary Roads Department. If you see a catwalk that is in need of maintenance or repair, please let the City know by calling 311, filling out a request on the City’s website, or by using the City’s new mobile phone app for service requests.

Deer Ridge is very lucky to have a lovely, large, and long off-leash area that surrounds the entire eastern boundary of the community that also circles around a good portion of the south side of the community. Not just an off-leash park, this area is a favourite short hike around our neighbourhood, with some excellent views and often in June, even some wildflowers; you don’t need a dog to enjoy the walk!

Deer Point Community Festival – June 26

Deer Ridge is proud to once again be celebrating our great community at the Sixth Annual Community Festival, on Sunday, June, 26, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. at Deer Point Plaza (14919 Deer Ridge Drive SE).

Come and enjoy local music, artisans, businesses, and food. Connect with other families and friends, enjoy a variety of children’s activities, and learn more about the non-profit organizations that help make our area great.

Deer Ridge Community Association is a sponsor and provides volunteer support for the festival. Please come and visit our booth, say hello, and see what fun activities we have for kids this year. Look for more details on our website and Facebook page.

Deer Ridge Community Cleanup

Deer Ridge will again partner with the Queensland Diamond Cove Community for our annual Community Cleanup. Dumpster bins will be on site at Queensland Community Hall (649 Queensland Drive SE) on Saturday, July 9, at 9:00 am. Volunteers will be organizing smooth traffic flow, so you can drop off your unwanted large and small household and yard items, with no disposal or landfill charge. Check what you can dump at the Community Cleanup at:

City of Calgary Free Stay n’ Play and Park n’ Play Programs

The City of Calgary is once again offering free Stay n’ Plan and Park n’ Play dates in our area. The programs will run at Deer Run School (2127 146 Ave SE) from July 11 to 15, and at Haultain Memorial School (605 Queensland Drive SE) from August 2 to 5. Times are available at the following link, as are listings for a variety of other free, all-ages City events: