Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for June

DeerRidge cn

June is here – the trees have greened up, vacations or staycations are planned, burgers and hotdogs are on the barbecue, friends are dropping by, birds are chirping, bees are buzzing – summer is making a long-awaited comeback. We hope life brings a bit of ease for you and yours as we head into these warm months of the year.

Community Gardens

The community garden is a busy place this time of year. Messages to returning gardeners went out in April, sign up was completed, and if there was an available plot and you were next on the waiting list, you may have heard from us regarding your interest in a plot this year.

In May, compost was dug into the beds and, for the last week or two, seeding, planting, watering, and mowing have been the primary activities. Volunteers are busy with plot frame and sheathing repairs, which will go on into the summer. If you are in the vicinity of the community gardens, please come by, stop at the garden, rest on one of the benches, and stay a while to chat.

Good Food Box

If you use the Good Food Box service, please note a change to the June pick up date and the addition of an August Good Food Box. See the Good Food Box section in this newsletter for date details.

Spring Pathway and Green Space Cleanup

Our community pathway and green space cleanup is scheduled for June 9 at 9:00 am. Meet at the tent by the playscape in Yellowslide Park. Bring a friend and get your steps in while you help beautify our neighbourhood.

Don’t forget sunscreen and bug spray. Water, gloves, and bags will be provided.

Please come out and join us on our Pathway and Green Space Cleanup this year. We look forward to seeing you! Together we can keep our neighbourhood a beautiful place to live.

Annual General Meeting

The Deer Ridge Community Association Annual General Meeting will be held on June 18, at 7:00 pm. Check for up-to-date location details on the Deer Ridge website, Facebook page, or the Deer Ridge email blast in your email inbox.

The Deer Ridge Community Association is looking for people to join our board. The commitment is once a month for board meetings held on the third Tuesday of every month. (There will be no board meeting in July or August.)

We would love some new ideas and your participation in planning fun events! Some events we have been doing are Movie in Yellow Slide Park and our Winter Skate, which are both always huge hits.

The only requirements to join the board are that you live in Deer Ridge and that you have a Community Association membership (only $15 a year!)

If you would like to join or have any questions, please use the form included in this newsletter or email [email protected]. If you are interested in making a difference in your community, become a member or a board member!

Election for new board members will take place at the Annual General Meeting on June 18. Voting in elections and Community Association business matters is restricted to Community Association members.

Deer Ridge/Queensland/Diamond Cove Community Cleanup

Deer Ridge is partnering with Queensland/Diamond Cove for a community cleanup on Saturday, June 29. Save a trip to the landfill for residential waste items that do not fit in your waste and recycling carts, or if you don’t have cart service. This service is free of charge to all Calgarians. Bring your items to the community centre at 649 Queensland Drive SE. Community volunteers will be there to help guide you. The City will provide three packer trucks with crews. Please note, this is for residential waste only. A list of the items that will be accepted at the community cleanup is available here:

Hint: The list includes large (even weird) items – check it out and grab whatever big items are still sitting in (or behind) your yard and bring them. This is free! There are no dumping fees!

Community Festival

The much enjoyed and well attended Annual Community Festival is happening again this year, on Sunday, June 30, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, and entry is free!

The festival will be held in the parking lot at Deer Point Plaza (14919 Deer Ridge Drive SE), and features a vendors’ market, live music, dancing, food, fun, kids’ crafts, and a bouncy castle. So come, bring all your friends, and plan to have fun.

The festival is brought to you by the Community Festival Foundation and the Deer Ridge, Deer Run, Queensland, Parkland, and Bonavista Community Associations. See the announcement in this newsletter.

Deer Ridge at the MLA Stampede BBQ

The Deer Ridge CA plans to have a booth at the Alberta Calgary-Fish Creek MLA Annual Stampede BBQ on July 6. MLA Myles McDougall will be hosting and there will be food and fun for all. Come and visit us at the booth to purchase your membership, or just to chat. We look forward to seeing you there. Watch for details, neighbourhood announcements will be coming soon.

City of Calgary Mobile Adventure Playground

The City of Calgary is planning to have a Mobile Adventure Playground at the Willow Ridge Community Association on July 8 through 12. This will be the closest one to Deer Ridge for this season.

What is a Mobile Adventure Playground? It’s an unstructured playground where kids have the opportunity to engage with on-site play ambassadors in a free, self-directed, drop-in program that invites kids to play and build. The City provides loose and natural materials to inspire active and creative outdoor play. Ages 4 and up, including adults. You can find more information on the City’s webpage and at

For more free Calgary programs for kids and families this summer, go to

Two free nature activities are offered in July: Birding Breaks at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary and Wetland Wonders at Ralph Klein Park. My family and I attended Wetland Wonders last year and we all highly recommend it.

Yellow Slide Park Shelter

You may notice some activity at Yellow Slide Park this summer. We have, at long last, been given the go-ahead to begin construction of the park shelter. The shelter will be built next to the playscape, with the thought that this will give parents and children a shady, pleasant place to get some respite from the hot summer sun, and perhaps enjoy a snack or picnic.

Tennis Lessons at the Courts

Deer Ridge Community Association has partnered with a local tennis centre to bring youth tennis camps to the community in July and August. We are proud to bring the opportunity for more active living opportunities for our kiddos, ages 5 to 14, to the community. Kids from other neighbourhoods are welcome as well, but as this is being sponsored by the community, on the community tennis courts, the purchase of a Deer Ridge membership will be required. More details are given in the 2024 Summer Programs announcement in this newsletter and on our website.

Movie in the Park

Movie in the Park will take place again this year. We are busy making arrangements for a great evening of free snacks and entertainment for everyone in the community, and all your friends and relatives. Watch for announcements and more details coming soon!

Upcoming Board Meetings

As mentioned, our next meeting is the Annual General Meeting in June. There will be no board meetings in July or August.

Our next regularly scheduled board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17. Please let us know if there is anything you would like us to discuss at the meeting. Would you like to attend? Email us and we will make sure you have all the details.

Reach us at [email protected].

Click here to the Deer Ridge Community News home page for the latest Deer Ridge community updates.


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