Deer Ridge’s Message from the Board for November

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Casino Volunteers Needed

Did you know your community association is a non-profit organization registered with Alberta Societies and as such, a large portion of our funding is from AGLC fundraising casinos? AGLC (Alberta Gaming, Liquor, and Cannabis) is the overseeing agency. A portion of funds from all casinos in Alberta is pooled and allocated to various non-profits and charities within the province. This funding is very significant in supporting and maintaining your community amenities.

To receive a portion of the funds, we provide volunteers to fill positions for two days at a casino.

Volunteers are needed for the following positions:

• Cashiers

• Chip Runners

• Count Room Staff (Sorter, Counter, Recorder, Amalgamator)

This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbours and help ensure AGLC funding is available for amenities and programs such as: the new shade shelter at Yellow Slide Park, community ice rinks and tennis courts, replace aging structures in playgrounds, community programs, and special events like Movie at Yellow Slide Park!

Our 2025 Casino dates are Wednesday, January 15 and Thursday, January 16, at Deerfoot Inn & Casino (11500 35 St SE).

Day shifts are 11:00 am to 7:30 pm. Night shifts are 7:00 pm to 3:30 am. Count room is 11:00 pm to 3:30 am. Training is provided. Meals are provided at no expense to the volunteer and transportation is available if needed.

Please help us ensure we can continue to fund your community amenities – volunteer to help at one of the casino dates!

Visit for more information and to sign-up or contact us directly.

Community Garden

The October community garden cleanup event was a big success again this year – the garden plots have all been put to bed and the gardens are ready for snowfall. A great big thank you goes out to all the gardeners, gardening families, volunteers, and helpers who came out to assist with the work, both for fall cleanup and all year long. A great big thank you goes to Mr. Bob Hall for organizing, and for all the extra volunteer hours maintaining the garden area all season long.

Gardeners, please watch for an email in March or April bringing an offer to renew your plot and providing dates for the May garden startup.

Interested in joining? If you are not yet a community garden member and you’d like to garden with us, visit the Deer Ridge Community Garden Facebook page to express your interest in joining.

Community Association Christmas Party and Winter Celebration

Back by popular demand – the annual afternoon community Christmas party! This party is a big hit with children and families every year, so if you’ve got kids who are excited to see Santa and enjoy doing seasonal crafts and taking home a treat bag, make sure you mark November 30 from 12:00 to 2:00 pm on your calendar!

The party will take place at the Queensland Diamond Cove community hall, at 649 Queensland Drive SE, and is sponsored by the Queensland Diamond Cove and Deer Ridge Community Associations. See the poster in this newsletter.


The new shade shelter at Yellow Slide Park was completed in early autumn and is very much being enjoyed by families. Construction of the shade shelter was a multi-year effort by community volunteers and the City to get permits and approvals in place. The shelter has been designed so that it can be used by the community for events, as well as by families who would like a welcoming space to picnic or simply watch their kids play lava-tag or climb, run, and slide on the playscape.

Congratulations go out to Don Bosco School in Deer Ridge and Haultain Memorial School in Queensland, on their new playscapes, and our recognition goes to the teachers, school children, and parents who contributed with all kinds of interesting and fun fundraising initiatives. Special recognition also goes to the parent committees who spearheaded the funding drives, and to the volunteers who made it happen. The beautiful, new playgrounds are well used and much enjoyed by school children and community families.


Do you enjoy living in Deer Ridge? Want to take part in keeping this community a vibrant place to live, with plenty of amenities for adults and children? We invite you to become a community association member!

The Deer Ridge Community Association is a volunteer-run non-profit group. Your membership contributes directly to the community. Your $15 per year membership dues are used to support your community playgrounds, rinks, tennis court, and other amenities, and your voice will help make decisions about what is needed or wanted in the community.

If you have not yet purchased your 2024-2025 membership, we invite you to add your voice and become a member today. Memberships are still only $15 per household. All memberships expire annually on August 31. You may purchase your membership:

• Online from our website at

• By downloading the membership form and returning it by mail with payment

• By filling in the membership form in this newsletter and returning it by mail with payment

If you are already a member, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation and commitment to your community!

City of Calgary Development Map Upgrades

Interested in what’s been approved for development in your community or any other part of the city? The City of Calgary has made some upgrades to its development map. Find it at

Using this map, you can provide your input to the development approval process at the City, learn about current applications, review development plans, and learn when/how to share your comments. The page also provides a helpful link to show you how to use the new, upgraded map.

Some new features are:

• Photo uploads: Enhance your comments with images for more impactful feedback.

• Policy links and overlays: Gain easy access to policies and bylaws, enabling clearer understanding and informed decision-making.

• 3D views: Visualize projects in a dynamic way and see their impact on the cityscape.

• Mobile optimization: Use the map on-the-go with a design tailored for your phone.

• Faster loading: Access project details quickly, without delay.

• Dedicated project pages: Find all the information you need on individual pages for each application.

Bow Bottom/Anderson/Deerfoot Trail Interchange Development Map and Schedule

Are you looking forward to completion of the interchange of Bow Bottom and Deerfoot? Wondering about timing for the end of construction (2027) and what the interchange will look like at completion? Visit for the latest in updates.

Board Meetings

Our community association board meetings take place at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of the month, in the boardroom at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. The November meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 19.

If you would like to present on a community matter at a board meeting, we welcome you! Please contact us, in advance, at [email protected], so we can make sure we get you or your group on the meeting agenda.

Click here to the Deer Ridge Community News home page for the latest Deer Ridge community updates.