Good Food Box in Deer Ridge

DeerRidge cn

Have you noticed the price of fresh produce at the grocery store, lately? And it’s not getting any better. Are you wondering how to put really fresh, good produce on your family’s table, at a price you can manage? Have a look at what Good Food Box offers – maybe it’s just what you’ve been looking for!

Good Food Box (GFB) is a local program through which anyone, regardless of income, can access fresh, nutritious produce, regularly and affordably. Boxes contain in-season fresh fruits and vegetables direct from farmers and wholesalers. The boxes are put together by dedicated volunteers and offer different content in each delivery– depending on what’s in season. For more information, go to: Good Food Box — Community Kitchen Program of Calgary (

Find mouthwatering ideas for how to prepare all that fresh produce in delicious, family-friendly, and time-conscious ways at

Produce Box Options

Small Box $30 – 15 to 20lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Medium Box $35 – 25 to 30lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Large Box $40 – 35 to 40lbs* of fruits and vegetables

*Note that weights are approximate and will vary depending on produce size and density. Each box contains the maximum content to ensure every client gets the most value for the price.

Order Day – Pickup Day

January 21 – January 30

February 18 – February 27

March 11 – March 20

To place your order or arrange pick up, please contact Emma at 403-278-8263, at Fish Creek United Church, 77 Deerpoint Rd SE.

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