Come and See What’s New at the Deer Run Community Centre

DeerRun cn

If you haven’t been to the Deer Run Community Centre in a while you may not be aware of the exciting changes that the building has seen in the last year.

Earlier this year, the DRCA renovated their gym; upgrading equipment, resurfacing the floors, and adding better lighting for all the community members to use. The whole DRCA just got a fresh paint job and new water fountains and bottle refill stations were installed upstairs and downstairs. Our new water fountain additions have been especially popular with our sports programs and community members who need to fill their water bottles.

Upcoming renovations include expanding and improving the daycare. With more space and kids-sized toilets, the little ones will be better accommodated.

If you want to stay up to date with all the changes to the community – and contribute your own thoughts and ideas – come to the DRCA’s board meetings! At each board meeting, members discuss and brainstorm the next big project. We are always looking for the right people to help make Deer Run an even better place to live.

Next Board Meeting:

September 4, 2024

7:00 to 9:00 pm

2223 146 Ave SE

Click here to the Deer Run Community News home page for the latest Deer Run community updates.


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