Deer Run’s Community News for November

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Volunteer for the Board

At our upcoming annual general meeting, we are seeking the following:

Executive Secretary: Join our governance team! We need a dedicated person who’s good at administrative work and likes a reliable volunteer schedule. The requirement is that you attend every Board meeting (virtual) on the first Wednesday of the month. You are the record keeper. Tasks include organizing meetings, agendas, schedules, recording decisions in the meeting minutes, attending meetings, and submitting a couple annual reports. You’ll use MS Word, Google Drive, and Zoom (technical help is available). Most importantly, you’ll be part of the executive team and have a say on higher level decisions. This is a rewarding role – it is fulfilling to see the Board’s vision become reality.

Communications Director: Do you love to write, post on social media, and motivate people? Then this role is for you! Our communication director is responsible for producing the monthly Deer Run Villager community newsletter, posting DRCA content on Facebook, and maintaining our Squarespace website. You will write articles, advertisements, snap photos, find images, and use our media channels to promote DRCA events and initiatives. Worried not all these skills are in your wheelhouse? Delegate, ask a friend to join you in the role, and use your networks. Technical support for using our communication tools is available. Your biggest reward is seeing your work get published and contributing to our community’s sense of identity and place.

Programs Director: The goal of this role is to attract people to our community center by offering a variety of programs and activities that will appeal to anyone. This is a great opportunity for a passionate member of the community with a vision of how the community centre could better serve all our residents. The director will liaise with the City of Calgary Recreation department regarding programs offered in our community. You’ll also promote the programs already in place. This role will be supported by our community centre staff.

Director at Large: See a need, fill a need! Can you get the job done, whatever it is? Then join us in a general role. Join the meetings when you can and jump in wherever you are needed or can contribute.

Please consider filling a role; we need your help!