Deer Run’s Easter Event Thank You

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Did you know 181 kids and their parents could fit into our gym for two hours? Well, they did. A crew of 15 teen volunteers from grades 5 to 12 and six adults pulled off a fantastic event on “Palm Saturday”. Thank you, volunteers! We had a colouring and hoola hoop contest, a cookie craft, bouncy castles, live game, e-games and bingo, and a preschool play area. The Easter Bunny came to visit, and he had his crew have four rounds of Easter egg hunts where we ran out of bags (more were made), but it was a lot more kids than we expected – the biggest ever!

Not only that but the following businesses partnered with us to donate prizes, cash, and supplies to make this an excellent event. Starbucks provided coffee, Richard Gotfried donated prizes, No Frills and Salon 5 helped with lunches for the volunteers, door prizes were donated by Deer Valley Vision (free pair of glasses!), Bow Bottom Veterinary Hospital, Kayla’s nails, Strands, Phamtastic Esthetics and Spa, DQ, and Deer Valley Barber shop. Booster Juice supplied discounted teas and smoothies and we got to keep the profit.

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