Deer Run’s June Message from the Board

DeerRun mb

We want to thank everyone for doing their part to support each other’s health and safety through these uncertain times. We are working closely with the City of Calgary to determine when Community Associations will be approved to resume limited operations, and how we can best serve you with our programs. We want to be open, honest, and make decisions with the health of our community in mind.

We are happy and excited to be starting Phase 1 of our roof replacement project. Your patience with the construction process is greatly appreciated. We also want to extend a huge thank you to Katie Thorpe and the City for helping us navigate this project; it is amazing to see such support from the City of Calgary for our community center.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our 40th Anniversary Stampede BBQ will be postponed. We’ll have another update on this event in a future newsletter. Also, a reminder that our Community Clean-Up event in September has been cancelled. Watch our Facebook page,, and website,, for updates.

Please continue to take health precautions, wash your hands, and maintain physical distancing.

As the economy starts to open back up and things progress towards ‘normal’ again, our primary focus will be on the safety of our community and then how we can best serve you with our programs. If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected].

The theme of this month’s newsletter is Indigenous Knowledge and Culture to help us work towards reconciliation. We are all members of Treaty 7.

Thank you for your support,

The Board