Deer Run’s March President’s Message


How exciting that spring is around the corner! Like many, I ran out of time last fall to get all my outdoor projects done. Soon, before the end of March when the trees will begin coming out of their dormant state, I’ll be removing Black Knot.

It’s always great to hear that our hard work is appreciated. We’ve received compliments about the great shape the ice rink is in (thanks to the Rink Ratz), the awesome work of the centre staff, and the excellent job Disciple has been doing clearing the snow from the parking lot and sidewalks.

I’d also like to recognize all the snow angels around our neighborhood – Denis LeCuyer being one of them. He does his own and six other houses each snow fall. A big thank you!

Thank you to the volunteers who worked our AGLC fund raising casino at the Deerfoot Inn on February 6 and 7. Special thanks to Joanne Anson and Don Zver for organizing us. I took the time between count room shifts to write this letter.

By the time this newsletter reaches you, our new daycare should be open and operating alongside the Deer Run Out of School (DROOS) program. We appreciate the hard work of our team, especially Mercy and the parents who waited patiently to switch to us. There were hurdles but we finally got there.

Want to help us? The Social/Special Events Director position is vacant, and we need people to help plan and implement events like the Stampede Breakfast. If you’re interested, send an email to me at [email protected].

We will have had our family skate Party already. Thank you to Ken Werbicki, Etienne Bley and all the volunteers who helped make this such a great event. There is talk about me throwing on the pads to let folks shoot some pucks at me in net.

March 28 is our annual Fun Money Casino. It’s always a fantastic time and there’s lots of great buys in the silent auction. We are accepting donations for auction items and door prizes. Please drop them off at the center.

See you all out in our great community!

Kim Semeniuk
