Deer Run’s Message from the Board for February

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Happy February Future Volunteers,

This month, the board would like to use this space to recognize our 2024 Volunteer Award Winners, announced at the November board meeting last year.

Each volunteer has made invaluable contributions to our community over the last few years, so we wanted to shout out their efforts to show our appreciation.

We look forward to the day we can thank you for your future volunteer contributions to the community. Contact [email protected] if you’re looking to help us out with the community rink, event planning, project management, newsletter content and editing, or social media.

The following passages were read out at the AGM meeting on November 20, 2024:

In 2019, Jessica Crowder wrote about how she got involved in establishing a seniors’ social club at the Deer Run Community Centre. Since 2013, the group has grown from 15 to 24 seniors.

“I cannot honestly believe it has been going on this long,” she says, “But it just keeps growing.”

In Jessica’s own words, this is how the group got started (excerpt reprinted):

“In 2011, my family moved in next door to a wonderful senior couple, Dave and Jean. They quickly became like family, acting as an extra set of grandparents to my children. In 2016, Jean passed away, and it was a very difficult time for us all, especially Dave, who did not have a large, supportive family circle.

Given that there weren’t many resources available for seniors in our neighbourhood, Dave and I approached the manager of a local community centre (Rob Garnett at the DRCA) and asked if we could start a community seniors’ group. [Rob] was receptive and offered us a weekly time slot and a room at the community centre free of charge.

Like Dave, all members are seeking connection. I volunteer as the group’s administrator, sending out weekly emails [about] board games, concerts, walks in the park, and lunch in the pub.”

She also volunteers at her children’s school and has acted as the secretary for the parent council for the last three years.

Board Secretary Etienne Bley wrote about contributions from Jen Goeres, a long serving member of the communications team.

“Jen was briefly on our board in 2017, and she came with a fresh take on things. She has since been steadily involved as a volunteer in the background on the Communications Team ensuring our Facebook never sleeps. Facebook has a certain algorithm, and she understands it very well, and as a result, when the centre posts an important announcement or calendar date – it gets noticed by our subscribers. We cannot thank her enough for the years and hours she has put into ensuring Deer Run is in the digital map in the hands of our residents. She is a servant and [is] always willing to help promote items even when they arrive in her hands at the last minute.”

We strive to do better but we wanted to say thank you and no you are not forgotten even if you’re not often seen. Your presence is felt by hundreds if not thousands of viewers every month.

Third, Arry Van Eyck has been the most devoted and reliable member of our Rink Rats maintenance team for the past number of years. Lead Rat Ken Werbicki, our former Sports Director and current Director at Large, had some kind words for him:

“Arry usually works between his shifts which start early in the morning. When I say early, I mean I’ll see a tractor out on the rink doing circles while I’m getting my first coffee at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning. He’s also taken over cutting and trimming the grass in the summers. He’s always available. In the five years I’ve known him, he’s looked after the equipment and even donated his own equipment. I tried to get him to come out tonight, but he is a quiet person, and I don’t think he likes the limelight.”

Finally, Etienne recognized the work of one of our longest-serving board members.

“The DRCA has lost a valued and much-loved member of our community with the passing of Wanda Kemp. Wanda was a member of the Deer Run Community Association Board for over 25 years and Block Watch before that. She organized the Annual Fall Community Cleanup for eleven years.

As Ways and Means Director for many years, Wanda worked hard at getting grants from all levels of government and from businesses to help maintain and improve our community centre and its programs. She volunteered at almost every DRCA event (usually with her husband Eldon at her side) including casinos, Stampede Breakfasts, skate parties, and of course, the community cleanup. Wanda loved this community and was proud of the work she did for us, her kindness, advice, and commitment to DRCA will be missed.”

We will be donating her volunteer appreciation to the Canadian Orthopedic Foundation (Hip Replacement), the Alberta Cancer Foundation, and the Calgary Humane Association.

Her best friend of 43 years and devoted husband Eldon Kemp could not be here to receive it but will accept it on her behalf and has replied with his words.

“Hello Board Members: I just heard this afternoon that in your meeting tonight you intend on honouring Wanda’s contribution to the community of Deer Run throughout the many years. She selflessly and happily donated her time and efforts to making Deer Run a thriving and wonderful place [to] live. I am sorry I cannot attend. Thank you for thinking of her.”

Her obituary can be found at

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