Deer Run’s Message from the Board for November

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Can you feel it? It’s that special time of year again.

Yes, that’s right, the Deer Run Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held this year on November 20 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the Deer Run Community Centre. Please attend!

And yes, the Yuletide season officially sets in this month of course, and we are very excited to be running our Family Christmas Party on November 24 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm and our Christmas Market on December 21 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. More information is available elsewhere in this newsletter.

We will also continue the tradition of The Giving Tree at the community centre starting November 1. Come on in to see the tree and drop off a gift to a deserving family in our community.

It’s a special time of year, so please attend and enjoy the festivities of the season. It’s also that special time of year where the board connects with the community at the AGM to decide big purchases, discuss local issues, and vote on board member positions.

It’s also an excellent opportunity to join the board by running for an open position. Available roles include Director of Ways and Means, Memberships, and Director of Sports. Becoming a part of the DRCA board is a great way to help your community.

Once Etienne Bley, Secretary of the Deer Run Community Association (DRCA), got involved, he couldn’t stop.

“I was involved in the community and wanted to get more involved,” he says. “I thought I’d enjoy working with the community and I did.” If you’re like Etienne, and you like to be part of some big projects that are a big deal in the community, the board has plenty of projects that need good people. So, join us at the AGM on November 20 and become part of our team.

However, if you are not looking to dive into it right away, but you want to get an update on the community, come to see presentations by board members about current projects, vote on board member positions, and join the discussion surrounding the new city rezoning bylaw. Your feedback is welcome and valuable.

Our board members help keep the community centre up and running, and we could use more help, whether that’s planning events, or putting a fresh sheet of ice on the outdoor rink. Community association members are also always welcome at our regular board meetings which take place at 7:30 pm on the first Wednesday of every month. This month’s meeting is on November 7.

Come down and share your thoughts and opinions! To attend the AGM or our regular board meetings, purchase a membership for $30. You can pick one up at the DRCA front desk on your way into the meeting. You can also buy them online at

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