Deer Run’s Message from the Board for September

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Take a Bow Volunteers!

We hope everyone has had a fantastic summer. We certainly did, and we’re ready and refreshed to once again ramp up the activities at the community centre.

We’re very excited to report that we fully expect the renovations of the daycare to be finished by the time you read this. There is no doubt that the quality of the care our little ones are receiving will be vastly improved with kid-sized toilets and expanded space.

It’s the end of summer, and the board would like to take some time to recognize all the volunteers that have come out to support the community and the Deer Run Community Centre in the last calendar year. We have had many volunteers come and work at events, help with maintenance, and support fundraisers. Without all the help our community wouldn’t be the best place in Calgary to raise kids – which it is!

We had volunteers at the Easter party who helped with face painting, games with the children, running the concession stand, and other entertainment. Our volunteers would show up at the community centre every Saturday morning to prepare and plan for the event to ensure everyone in the community would have a good time. Our volunteers for the Stampede breakfast did the same, committing their limited time, energy, and weekends to prep for the big day.

And they aren’t just working hard, they are breaking records! Each year we try to break the Stampede Breakfast attendance record. This year we went all out. We served Spolumbo’s sausages, organized horse carriage rides, and punctuated it with a visit from Stampede Royalty. With all the excitement our volunteers served 1,375 people — a new record!

That isn’t the only record our community and volunteers broke. The Community Cleanup is an opportunity for the community to get rid of waste or trash that would normally be taken to the dump. At the 12th Annual Community Cleanup, we sorted through 18,145 kg of garbage in 2023. Another new record! Let’s break it again on September 21.

The DRCA appreciates all the time and effort volunteers put into our community. None of our events, programs, and/or fundraisers would be possible without this support. The good news is, we have more opportunities for you to get involved; our Community Cleanup is the perfect time to start.

We are also looking for a team of community members to patrol the neighbourhood on Halloween while children are out trick-or-treating. We call it “The Halloween Patrol,” but you’re free to consider yourself a Ghostbuster if you join in the fun.

And please, attend the DRCA board meetings. We could use more help. This September the community board meetings will reconvene September 4 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Board meetings happen on the first Wednesday of the month, so the October Board meeting will fall on October 2 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm.

All community members are invited, and we hope to see you there!

Community Cleanup

September 21 from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. (Volunteer Hours)

Halloween Patrol

October 31

[email protected]

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