Deer Run’s Message on Skating Safety

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Skate Safe this Summer Kids

by Nicole B.

With all the nice weather, it’s a great time to get outside and be active. Throughout our community we have lots of opportunities. One of our community’s favorite places is the DRCA skate park! Each summer the skate park is used by many people in our community, and we want to keep it a safe space. One of the ways you and your friends can keep the park safe is protecting yourself from potential injuries.

Step 1: Check the weather

Depending on the weather condition, if it’s raining it can be too slippery and unsafe to use the skate park. Make sure you come prepared!

Step 2: Make sure a trusted adult or guardian knows where you are

It is super easy to forget what time it is, so make sure a trusted adult or guardian knows where you are in case of an emergency.

Step 3: Wear the proper equipment!

This is an important one. When riding a bike make sure you are wearing a helmet to prevent any type of head injury. Using a helmet decreases “the risk of head injury by 85%, brain injury by 88%, and severe brain injury by at least 75%”. (Hodgson, 1999). When skateboarding, scootering, and rollerblading make sure you are wearing knee pads, wrist pads, and elbow pads to prevent any extreme injuries.

Step 4: Make sure there are no obstacles or debris on your track

Make sure when using the skate park there isn’t anything you could run into or slip on. This could include other people’s skateboards, bikes, scooters, or roller blades. Also watch for natural debris like leaves, pinecones, or big puddles of water. Lastly, make sure you don’t run into anyone on your track.

Step 5: Be kind and have fun!

The skate park is a place for everyone, so make sure you use kind language with your fellow skaters. Be safe and have lots of fun!


• Hodgson, V. (1999, October 25). Helmets for preventing head and facial injuries in bicyclists. NCBI. Retrieved June 7, 2024, from

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