Deer Run’s Upcoming Fun Money Casino

DeerRun cn

Doors open at 7:00 pm for cocktails

Tables open from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am

Doors close at 2:00 am

Step back into the late 1800s and the Old West on March 15 and join us for a night of glamour and gambling. Our 14th annual DRCA Fun Money Casino will not disappoint, as we whisk you away to our little town for a night of fun and entertainment.

There Will Be:

• VIP tables with special “extras”

• A silent auction

• Prizes to win

• Fun money casino tables

• Snacks while you play

• Bartender at our Saloon

• Late night buffet

• Multiple themed backdrops for your group photos

• And so much more!

Tickets Are:

VIP table for eight – $280 (that’s $35 per person!)

$40 per person for single tickets in advance

$45 per person at the door

Deer Run Members Discount Prices:

VIP table for eight – $240 ($30 per person)

$35 per person for single tickets in advance

$40 per person at the door

Come in costume and you could win a prize too! Pick up your tickets in advance at the Deer Run Community Centre now. Hope to see you there!

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