Douglasdale’s President’s Message for February


What would February be without Frost Fest? I am hoping you and your family are planning to join us at the ice-skating rink in John Laurie Park on February 17 to celebrate the season and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate. Please go to the ECA website at to register. There is no fee to participate, but we want to keep track of the numbers, so we are sure there are enough snacks to go around.

Sometimes when I go to write this column, I wish I had a crystal ball. We are already having discussions about our Annual General Meeting in May. The date is May 14, 2025. Registration begins at 7:00 pm with the meeting being called to order at 7:30 pm. You must be a member to participate in the meeting and memberships will be sold onsite and online. Memberships purchased before the meeting is called to order will be eligible to vote. This year we will be facing some challenges in filling Board positions as a number of the current members have completed their terms of office and are not eligible to stay on the Board. We also have some board members that have only one year left in their terms and so continuity is going to be a challenge. Board positions are two-year terms with the bylaws restricting directors to three consecutive two-year terms.

We are looking for ECA members who are interested in helping to steer ECA through its next few years by involving themselves in the governance of the association. For more information, please contact Rick Wierzbicki ([email protected]) or myself ([email protected]). The Board generally meets once a month for about two hours. Agendas are circulated prior to the meeting so we can keep our discussions focused. We welcome interested parties to join us at a Board meeting. If you would like to see how we operate, come to a meeting. Simply let me know so that I can ensure that our meeting room will accommodate the group. We value diversity and hope to create a Board that reflects the many different interests in Edgemont. Details will be posted on the website.

In 2025, ECA would like to launch a Coffee and Conversations activity to bring residents together to learn from experts as well as each other. This program is in its initial stages so please watch the website to get more information as the plans come together. If you have topics that you think would fit this format and that you would like to explore, contact Barb ([email protected]).

Finally, I have sad news to share. Elaine Scobie who was a community builder extraordinaire in Edgemont passed away on December 12 after a valiant battle with ALS. We highlighted both Elaine and her husband, Rick, in our December newsletter and shared with residents how influential the two of them were in building the Edgemont Community Centre and the ECA. Without that team, we would not enjoy all that we have in Edgemont. Our thoughts go out to Elaine’s family. For those who wish to read the wonderful tribute to Elaine, follow the link

ALS is an insidious neurodegenerative disease for which there is no known cure. Rest in peace, Elaine. We will miss you terribly.

Pamela Wilson


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