Bonavista Cares September Update


This summer we were busy with sowing seeds and watering our Bonavista Cares vegetable plot in the community garden. The water restrictions certainly made things extra challenging! In June, we hosted our annual Bonavista Cares Garage Sale which was a huge success and helped us raise funds to supplement ongoing initiatives. We want to say thank you to all the people who donated items for the sale. We also want to say thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the sale, including the children who ran the lemonade and banana bread stand, the teenagers who worked as cashiers, all the volunteers who helped to setup and price items, the Kidney Foundation for picking up all unsold items, our lovely neighbourhood family for donating their garage and driveway, and a special thanks to Jamie Newton for his generous donation.

We look forward to hosting a planning meeting in September to discuss 2024 and 2025 initiatives! We hope to see some new faces.

Anyone wishing to find out more about volunteering can email us at [email protected] or look us up on Facebook @Bonavista Cares and Instagram @bonavistacares.

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