Lake Bonavista’s December Community Board Update

Presidents Message Lake Bonavista

In October, Lake Bonavista Community Association members elected a new Board of Directors and Executive. There are some new faces while some others have been re-elected to the same or different roles. I would like to thank those who will be on the Board over the next year for stepping up. I would also like to thank those who are stepping down for their service to the community over the years.

Change is good, and I am excited about the obvious energy and new ideas that accompanies our new Board. While we will need to attend to many of the same issues and concerns, I am looking forward to the fresh perspective.

One initiative that I know will receive significant attention is our strategic review that will take place before the end of 2018. This exercise will help us establish priorities and determine where we need to put attention and resources. There are some important longer-term issues. For example, we have an aging recreation centre that has been a central and iconic part of the Lake Bonavista community. What do we need to do today to ensure that residents can continue to enjoy the benefits of such a facility in the years to come? Should our organizational bylaws and governance structure be changed to reflect the evolution of the LBCA’s mandate and environment? If so, how?

There is also a long list of near-term matters. How can we use technology to improve our service delivery and communication with our members? What new services can we provide? Are there certain services that should be re-evaluated, discontinued or changed? We have not increased facility and program fees in three years. Is this sustainable? What can our community association do to respond productively, if at all, to the increasing incidence of criminal activity and sense of insecurity in the community?

There is much to investigate and ponder, decisions to be made and action to be taken. If you have any thoughts on these or other issues, please let your new Board members know.

Warmest regards

Myles McDougall

President, Lake Bonavista Community Association