Lake Bonavista’s September President’s Message

LakeBonavista pm

This has certainly been a different summer. Our thoughts go out to those impacted by the COVID virus, those who have lost loved ones, those who have fallen sick, lost jobs or have seen their business struggle. These are unprecedented times and it may be hard to see positives in such times. We have a great community and there have been so many people who have reached out to help others.

Your Community Association has needed to pull back, but the staff have been doing great work to prepare for the future. We have also received incredible support from the City and the Province as we deal with the shutdown and the impacts on our operation. We have taken the opportunity to assess the facility and make necessary fixes during this down time.

I have noticed how our community seems to be out more on bikes and walking (in a socially responsible way). This is great to see and generates a healthy community spirit. COVID has slowed things down and the pace seems to have dropped with people having to do less running around. With the help of community volunteers and the Calgary Police, we have been investigating traffic flows and safety in our community. We will be providing more information as we look at the positive impacts of traffic calming in other parts of Calgary.

The members of your LBCA Board and LBCA staff will continue to work for the betterment of our community and we hope to soon be able to welcome you back to the programs and events we have offered over the past 50 years.

David Shaw