Legacy’s President’s Message for December


Dear Legacy Community Members,

As we approach the end of another wonderful year, I am filled with gratitude for the vibrant and supportive community we are building together. December is a special time for us, and I am thrilled to announce our annual Light Up the Pond for a Cause event, scheduled for Saturday December 7 (more details to come – Please follow the Calgary Legacy Community Association on social media or check out our website!).

This cherished tradition brings us together to celebrate the holiday season with lights, festive music, hot drinks, and fun while we help raise donations for a local cause! I encourage everyone to join us for an evening of joy and community spirit! This year, we will be canvassing for donations (clothing, non-perishable foods, baby formula, diapers, or cash) to support the Mustard Seed of Calgary (https://theseed.ca/about)! If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to us at [email protected].

In addition to our festive celebrations, we are looking to strengthen our association by recruiting passionate and dedicated individuals for key positions.

We are currently seeking:

• Director of Development: To lead our development team in defining and prioritizing the CLCA’s development goals, and in creating communication tools for updating the community on developments.

• Grant Writer (Advisor): To help us secure funding for various community projects and initiatives.

• Advisor for Sponsorships and Business Partnerships: To help the Director build and maintain relationships with local businesses and sponsors – for both membership discounts and to support events.

These roles are crucial for the continued growth and success of our community association. If you or someone you know is interested in contributing to our vibrant community, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement. Together, we can make Legacy an even better place to live.

Warm regards,

Sarah Peck

President, Legacy Community Association

Click here to the Legacy Community News home page for the latest Legacy community updates.