Dear Neighbours,
Welcome to 2025 Mahogany community! On behalf of the MCA, I hope that everyone in our community had a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season. Now we start afresh, ready to dive into the new year with new goals, projects, and events to look forward to. Last month we ran our first Jingle and Mingle Family Christmas Party at the Canadian Brewhouse in Mahogany, the event was a success with an attendance close to 250 residents. We had special visits from the Grinch, Santa, and Mrs. Claus along with performances from En L’air acrobats and Musical Bingo. Thank you to our Ward 12 Alderman, Evan Spencer, and Canadian Brewhouse for their financial contributions and support.
You May Ask What the MCA is All About?
We formed as a group of volunteers in the summer of 2023 to start the much-needed Community Association of Mahogany, together with the support and guidance of the City of Calgary and our Alderman’s office we finally received our registration as a non-profit Community Association on September 16, 2024. We thank the Copperfield Community Association for their guidance and support as we have amicably separated from them to have our own Community Association to advocate and look after the concerns of the members and residents of the growing community of Mahogany. Our newsletter, Life in Mahogany, will be coming to your home every month and we will feature our dedicated volunteer board members every month so you can get to know us!
I feel honoured to lead our first Community Association with amazing neighbours of Mahogany to make up our board including Engineers, and directors of IT, Business, Entrepreneurs, Communication, Marketing, Graphic Designer, and Event Management Specialist!
We have no events coming up in January, but as an organization we will be doing strategic planning and looking for upcoming grants and a future Casino to help us in delivering our programming for the year. We have many short-term tasks ahead of us such as our website development, social media, building permit reviews for the community, programming in our parks for our families, as well as long term plans, such as eventually claiming and developing the land assigned from the City of Calgary for the community association, this is the land in the East side of Mahogany by the Shallows. For those of you that know me for the active volunteer role I’ve played in bringing special events to the community over the last four years, this is now a challenge for me to be involved in a variety of ways to see our community grow and develop and I thank you for your unconditional support of our neighbours. My motivation is to see my son grow up in a caring community such as Mahogany, share my passion for community involvement, and help in creating community spirit!
In case you didn’t know, community associations receive no guaranteed financing – all our budgetary needs must be met through sales of memberships, and primarily grants. You can help! Please purchase an annual membership for your household. A yearly membership is just $30 per household – that’s $2.50 per month, less than one fancy coffee. It truly makes a difference.
As always, we wouldn’t be able to do anything without the dedication of our volunteers. If you have a passion, are looking for real world job experience, or have extra time to dedicate to your community, we would love to have you! Please reach out and join our volunteer team.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our community. Happy New Year!
Carmen Galvez
President, MCA