McKenzie Lake – News from the Lake for March

MLCA cn Mckenzie Lake ML CA

NOTE: Due to COVID-19 things are changing often so please visit our website – – for the most up to date information.

Facility Status

While there is still much uncertainty with respect to the impacts of COVID-19, the safety and wellbeing of our members and employees remains top priority. We will continue to evaluate this complex and fluid situation and update our members accordingly. Please visit our website at for all information regarding the park status and COVID-19 safety protocols.

Thank you, members, for your cooperation and patience during this difficult time.

Annual Membership Fees – Due April 1

Lake fees are due April 1, and your payment will ensure access to the park and lake from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

NEW: This year, rather than mailing out invoices to all properties, we will be sending an email notification to members that have provided us with their email address. This email notification will provide details on how you can access your invoice, and instructions/options to pay. We will only be mailing invoices to properties who do not have an email in our system. If you haven’t already done so, please provide us with your email address.

IMPORTANT: Membership fees are mandatory, not optional. Membership fee charges are secured by an encumbrance which is registered on the title to your property. If you are not sure whether you must pay the fee, please review the most updated version of your certificate of title and determine if there is an encumbrance registered by McKenzie Lake Residents Association. If there is an encumbrance on title, then it is mandatory for you to pay the fee. You can also contact our office for confirmation.

Methods of payment include:

– Online payment via credit card

– Telepay via Credit card

– Debit and Cash – During Office hours (the Office may be closed at this time. Please confirm on our website)

– Cheque – Mailed or inserted in the building mailbox

– Sorry, we do not accept credit cards in person or e-transfers

Members Registry System – Ivrnet Central

We are now in year three of our updated member’s registry system – Ivrnet Central. It is web based, so you can access from any phone, computer, or tablet, as long as you have an internet connection. In order to access your account, you will need to provide us with an email address we can attach to your profile. You will then use your email address as a username to access your account. Once you have access to the system, the following functions are available:

– Online credit card payments

– View past payment receipts and outstanding invoices

– Update profiles

– Receive important information via email campaigns and notifications

– Program listing, marketing, and registration

In order to take advantage of the systems functionality, we need to update your account with your email address. If you haven’t already done so, please provide us with your email address to [email protected]. You can also setup your account and profile with the access code provided on you invoice. Instructions were included in the mail out.

MLRA Boundaries

We understand there are homes in McKenzie Lake that receive this news publication but are not entitled to MLRA membership. These areas include – Mt. Allan, Mt. Douglas, Mt. Apex, Mt. Aberdeen, and some homes on Mt. McKenzie Drive. We do apologize, but these areas are not entitled to MLRA membership. The Association boundary lines are determined by the registered Articles of Association, which is a document that specifies the regulations for a company’s operation. The MLRA Board cannot arbitrarily expand the boundary line.

Programs and Events

Due to COVID-19 and the gathering restrictions imposed by the Government of Alberta, we unfortunately cancelled all summer programs and summer events. We are sad by this decision, but feel it is appropriate given the status of COVID-19 this summer. At this time, we have not decided whether we will offer winter programs. Please stay up to date by visiting our website at

Beach Club Rentals

Due to COVID-19, the Government of Alberta have imposed restrictions on gatherings, and as a result we have had to cancel many functions to date and suspend future rentals. Please visit our website for up-to-date information regarding rentals at, or email [email protected].

Grants from the Alberta Government

On behalf of the members of the McKenzie Lake Residents Association, the Board of Directors extends a big thank you to the Alberta Government for their generous donations through the Alberta Lottery Fund to help fund renovations completed to the interior and exterior of the buildings over the last couple years. Most recently, we received a grant to help offset the cost of a replacement maintenance commercial mower with winter attachments. Thank you, Alberta!

Up to date Information

For the most up to date information regarding MLRA related issues, please visit our website at

We appreciate our member’s cooperation and patience to date.