Queensland Diamond Cove Community Association June President’s Message

Queensland cn


I would like to introduce myself, my name is Martine Myrthu, and I am your new president of the Queensland Diamond Cove Community Association. Many may know me from helping to organize the children’s craft days, casinos, and recent family dances. I have been helping out in various positions within the community for the past ten years. I bring to this position the want to bring more community members back to the community centre. We also have a new digital media director Genevieve Myrthu, she has been helping out at the community centre for the past ten years as well, mostly with the children’s craft days, community cleanup, and casino. Steve Foot has also taken a position on our board as second Vice President. Two positions still remain unfilled at the end of our meeting, Memberships and Ways and Means. If you are interested in filling one of these positions, please come to our next board meeting Tuesday, September 3 at 7:00 pm.

We would like to thank Paul Hamonic for all his hard work over several years at the community centre, without your leadership we would not have compiled the grants to have the Jensen room updated and the many other renovations completed. Darcy Saworski, thank you for your help with memberships.

The month of June will be a busy month for our community. We will be hosting a big milestone, our 50th Anniversary on Saturday, June 22 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. This is a free, family friendly event, showcasing what our community has to offer. Stop by and check us out.

Saturday, June 29 is our community cleanup day; we will be hosting this with our community friends from Deer Ridge. Come on out and volunteer to help us empty vehicles into city garbage trucks, we will have electrical and metal truck as well. Please refer to Calgary.ca/communities/community-cleanup –items.

Please stop by our community table at the annual Cornerstone community party, June 30, in the parking lot of the Deer Ridge mall. We will have activities for the kids; consider buying a membership for the coming year, hope to see you there.

A recap of the month of April; we invited our community to partake in the Children’s Spring Fling party and evening AGM on April 20. Thanks to Deer Ridge for their contribution to our Children’s Spring Party. Thank you to Julie R and Martine for organizing the activities for the children. On April 27 we had a successful Craft Fair. Thank you to the volunteers who helped set up and take down these events.

Congratulations to Cassandra Abbenbroek who was the winner of our community survey draw. We thank Cornerstone Music for their generous gift certificate donation.

Stay tuned next month as we will need volunteers to help Haultain Memorial School assemble their new play structure the week of August 12. We will be also looking for volunteers for our Casino on August 16 and 17. Volunteers are the heart of the community, we need you!

See you next month!



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