Queensland Diamond Cove Community Association President’s Message

Queensland cn


Ramadan Mubarak, Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Happy Spring!

Thank you to all the volunteers who looked after the ice rinks this winter. I hope that everyone had a great time skating and playing hockey.

As the snow melts, please consider cleaning up any garbage you find around your property or along the locations that you may walk by. It is all our responsibility to keep our community clean. We have requested a community cleanup from the City; to date we are not certain if one will be awarded to us. We will keep you posted.

Please remember that our office is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, you can purchase good food boxes each month along with memberships and enquire about renting space for parties, meetings etc. Tai Chi and Jazzercise have drop-in classes for a nominal fee if you are interested in trying out a class. We are your community hub, check us out.

Kind regards,


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