Queensland Diamond Cove Community Association September President’s Message

Queensland cn


I was recently speaking to someone in the community who did not know the benefit of being a member to our community association.

What are the benefits of our Queensland Diamond Cove Community Membership?

$20 annual membership will get you:

• Free entrance for your family to our family dances: Halloween, Valentines Day, and Spring.

• It will offer you free entrance to all of our children’s parties, Christmas and Spring.

• Free winter family fun afternoon in January or February.

• It provides you a discount to community pickleball.

• Permits us to have two ice rinks in the winter.

• The community centre is a safe place for children to go.

• There is a phone that many youths ask to use to call home.

• There are washrooms and a water fountain that gets used when people are playing at the park.

• Permits you to vote at our AGM in April.

• Your membership helps to keep the doors open to the community centre!

Another way our community centre produces funds is the rental of our rooms, including the gym, boardroom, and Jensen room. Please enquire about rentals by calling Linda Brown or emailing the community centre.

A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers of our Casino which was held on August 16 and 17, our biggest fundraiser. These funds will help to keep the community centre open for all the community to enjoy.

Kind regards,


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