The Queensland President’s Message for May

Hi Everyone,

Here we are, almost at the end of April, and thankfully I have a few things to talk about this month. Firstly, I would like to thank Luis Mora-Castillon who took up the position of 2nd Vice President at the beginning of March. He saw our request for volunteers in a past Crier and stepped up. The rest of the Executives and Directors look forward to working with Luis in the future. This leaves us with just a Director at Large position available. If anyone is interested, please have a look at the job description on the Queensland Diamond Cove website

With the weather warming up, it is time to start spring cleaning, along with yards and alleys. I am happy to announce that we were able to get a Clean-Up Day scheduled with the city. As we did in 2019, we will be holding a Clean-Up day on June 27 in the Community Center parking lot. We have also booked a metal collector and electronics collector along with the two garbage trucks and one compost truck from the city. Basically, we will be able to handle anything you want to bring to us.

We have a tentative date for our next AGM. At the moment, we are looking at holding the AGM on May 15. As we get closer to the date, we will post additional information on our website as well as in our newsletter.

Over the month of March, we saw the province opening a bit. This opening has trickled down to us for certain things. The Tai Chi program is back as well as the After School program. Guides will be starting up soon. There are no Hi Intensity sports allowed at this time. Indoor weddings are allowed but limited to 10 people. I am sure the province will be making more decisions over the next few weeks.

And finally, over the last few weeks we have seen an increase in the number of vaccine doses given out. Mostly with our first responders, healthcare workers and the older population. In my own case, I have been told I have to wait for late April or early May to get my first shot. And, even though some of us have gotten the vaccine, it does not mean we can go back to doing things as normal. Social distancing and all precautions need to continue to be observed until enough of us have been vaccinated for us to have achieved a herd immunity.

Well, that is it for this month. Take care everyone, stay warm and safe. I will talk to you again next month.

