Riverbend’s Key Things to Know in December


Stay connected to all things Riverbend at www.riverbendcommunity.ca and Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @riverbendyyc

Riverbend Fall Fair – Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came to shop at the Riverbend Fall Fair. We had a wonderful variety of local vendors, as well as yummy food from YYCFoodtrucks.

We are very grateful for all the support from 77th East Glenmore Scout Group with the venue set up and tear down. Thank you to all volunteers and a huge thank you to Tammie Voisin-Best, Volunteer Event Lead for organizing all the details of the event!

Annual General Meeting Recap

Thank you to everyone who participated in the AGM this year. Unfortunately, due to publishing timelines we are unable to include a recap of the meeting in the newsletter. But please see our website for full details: www.riverbendcommunity.ca/events/annual-general-meetings.

Upcoming Events

Mayor’s Food Drive

November 18 to December 12

Anyone looking to donate items can find drop-off bins in the front foyer of the Riverbend Community Centre from November 18 to December 12, 2022.

We accept donations of perishable and non-perishable food items and other items, such as baby products and unopened pet food.

This year, the Food Bank has put together a list of most needed items for the holidays, including peanut butter, Kraft Dinner, canned fruit, canned tomatoes, and canned beans (no pork).

Annual Kids Christmas Party

Saturday, December 3 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm

Don’t miss this exciting event organized by Riverbend Girl Guides. We will have free photos with Santa, snacks, crafts, and activities. We ask everyone to pre-register online and select a time slot to ensure there is no huge line up for photos with Santa. See details and register online at www.riverbendcommunity.ca/events.

Casino Volunteers Needed

January 7 and 8, 2023

Our casino funds support a number of things, including community engagement initiatives such as programs, events, and various community projects like community beautification. Funds also support ongoing operational costs and improvements of the facilities.

Volunteering for the casino is easy and fun with training and support provided during your shift. Volunteers are provided with a free meal during their shift and a discount code for RCA programs, events, and memberships.

Sign up today at www.riverbendcommunity.ca/events/rca-casino-fundraiser.

Winter Movie Night

Friday, January 27 at 7:00 pm

Previous movie nights were a huge success, so we decided to host this event more regularly! Don’t miss Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness on Friday, January 27, 2023, at 7:00 pm.

It is $3 for RCA members and $5 for non-members. Register online at www.riverbendcommunity.ca/events/winter-movie-night.

New Programs Starting in January 2023

Community favourite programs such as Tai Chi, Dance Fitness, Gentle Yoga, and Pilates with Yoga will be starting again in January 2023. In addition, we will be offering two sessions of Kindrmusik: One session for babies 0 to 1 and one session for 1 to 3-year-olds. Register online at www.riverbendcommunity.ca/programs.

We are also excited about starting a new program for seniors on Friday, January 13, 2023. It will run every second week between 2:00 and 4:00 pm. It is free for RCA Members and requires a $2 donation for non-members.

Development Updates

Over the last several years, Riverbend has been transforming into an invigorating inner-city community with awesome amenities.

Join the RCA Team!

Whether you’re recently graduated, unemployed, or currently working but looking to the future, we have some excellent opportunities where you can make a visible difference in your own community!

We are currently looking for a Treasurer to join the board, as well as community members to join Community Beautification and Traffic teams.

See more details and sign up online at www.riverbendcommunity.ca/volunteering.