Willow Ridge’s President’s Message for February


February 2025 Community Association facility update: As a recap, in September 2024, our building was partially shut down by safety codes after engineers reported that the floor joists in the original part of our building were not sufficient for our building use. Importantly, no structural issues were identified.

Over the past few months, our Community Association has assembled a team of volunteers to work with the City of Calgary and their engineering partner, Stantec. As of January, Stantec has completed 30% drawings, and we remain on track to perform construction over the summer. Our objective is to minimize the impact on our users and regain full facility operations for the fall.

We have met with other Community Associations across the city to learn from their experiences, and although several other communities have experienced shutdowns due to failing structures (Glamorgan, Lakeview, Rutland Park), we seem to be the only community that has experienced such an abrupt shut down due to a code violation. With a plan to remediate our facility now in place, we are focusing once again on further investing in our community.

Stay tuned for more details on a unique tree sponsorship program we are working on with the City, as well as our Greener Grounds Project, which will revitalize our fields and parking lot. I’d like to extend thanks to our facilities director, David Hughes, for volunteering to use his extensive project management expertise in leading our community through this unique situation.

If you would like to get involved with our CA in any capacity, please contact me at [email protected].

Jason Carling

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