Willow Ridge’s September President’s Message


As we continue to navigate our way through the “new normal”, your association needs to take care of some housekeeping matters, specifically holding our annual meeting. We have scheduled it for September 16 at 6:30 pm, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for good weather as we will be holding it outdoors so we can all keep our distance! Please consider attending so we can achieve quorum. At this meeting, we will be presenting our year-end 2019 financial statements, which were included in a prior edition of our newsletter. We will also be seeking additional board members and election of those incumbent directors who are interested in continuing.

One technical piece of business that will require member approval relates to our accessing the federal $40,000 COVID CEBA loan this spring. Our bylaws only permit borrowing in limited and short-term circumstances. The CEB loan is interest-free and if we repay it by December 31, 2022, we only have to pay $30,000 of it back. Our plan is to access this loan only as a last resort, but approval of this borrowing will be sought at the annual meeting, by way of a Special Resolution.

I expect that we will not be having detailed director reports as in prior years so we can be done in daylight, but we will try and provide you with a bit of an update on how we are doing. If you have been reading this newsletter, my monthly reports, along with our General Manager’s monthly reports, should have most of our business updates included.

Finally, by the time you read this newsletter, we expect to have all three of our Canada Summer Jobs positions filled and we hope to use our three candidates to help us out on a number of initiatives, including our Rink Board donation program, some membership matters, and some maintenance and small construction and repair projects.

In the meantime, please stay well and I hope to see at least 35 of you on September 16!

Don Boykiw

[email protected]