Marda Loop’s July President’s Message


We had a busy and successful spring at the MLCA. Our annual Indulge fundraiser, held on May 25, raised net proceeds of over $52,000. This is a critical part of the MLCA budget, allowing us to continue to operate all the facilities at and around the MLCA Hall, offer programs and events, and advocate with the City on behalf of our community. All who attended will agree it was a great party, with music, dancing, and fantastic food and beverages. Thanks to our Indulge Committee, led by Jennifer Bray, our vendors, sponsors, volunteers, and attendees who made this a night to remember.

In May, we completed our capital project to resurface the tennis courts, and they look amazing! We took this opportunity to add lines and nets for pickleball, which has proven to be very popular. We will now be requiring those using the courts to support our community association by purchasing an MLCA membership.

We held our fifth annual Community Recycling Day on June 7. What a great, and free, way for residents to clean out their unwanted items. And our swap table has become a popular place for items to find a new home. Thanks to Tami Cormack and the Sustainability Committee, as well as our dedicated volunteers.

We held a family oriented Neighbour Day Celebration in the Hall parking lot on June 15, with rock and mural painting, ice cream, and a bouncy castle. This was also opening day for the Marda Loop outdoor pool.

The MLCA Stampede Breakfast will take place from 9:00 am – Noon on Saturday, July 13. Mark your calendar, and plan to attend this fun-filled family event, featuring a country band, pony rides and a petting zoo. A free breakfast will be provided to the first 3,000 people who arrive that morning.

The Hall will continue to be a vibrant place through the summer with day camps and beach volleyball in full swing.

I look forward to your feedback and welcome any questions or comments. You can reach me at [email protected].

Doug Fraser, President