Braeside Stories


  At Braeside, Our Volunteers Rock!

As we begin not only a new year, but a new decade there is much to celebrate in beautiful, tree-line Braeside. One highlight is our neighbourhood’s volunteers.

Braeside Volunteers Rock!

On November 22, 2019, Braeside Community Association hosted a volunteer appreciation dinner to give thanks to its many volunteers for their donation of time and talents. The dinner was chaired by long-time Braeside resident, Carole Oliver, who is also the creator of the Volunteers Rocks, rocks she hand painted herself and which were presented to all the volunteers that evening.

BCA organizes a Stampede Breakfast, Braeside Parade, book sales, Community Clean-Up, Second Time Around seniors’ program and has a very active board of directors. These events and programs, powered by volunteers, make the Braeside community vibrant and engaging.

Another special event that merits mention was held in honour of Remembrance Day. Second Time Around, on November 6, 2019, hosted a talk, “Sharing our Stories: Canadian Peacekeeping.” The talk was given by Bob Byers, a former Cadet, Regular Army and Reservist, who served in Israel, Egypt and various Canadian bases; and, Don Gervais, formerly in the Regular Army and Air Force, who served in Cypress, Golan Heights and various Canadian bases. Nathan Krebs, a Reserve Officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force, spoke about his experience being a cadet.

We have many important volunteer opportunities, including working at our upcoming casino on May 20 and 21, 2020. As we begin 2020, could volunteering in your community be one of your New Year’s resolutions?

To learn more about how you can make a difference in your Braeside neighbourhood, please contact the BCA office at 403-253-4232 or at [email protected].

Thank you to all our Volunteers who Rock! And wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2020!

Irena Karshenbaum is the Community Coordinator for the Braeside Community Association. She loves to tell Braeside stories.