Great Progress for BCA’s Garden Ecosystem Project This Year

Braeside cn

Thanks to generous volunteers and active committee members, a couple of community grants and a lot of fun digging holes and slinging dirt, we achieved excellent progress on our garden-ecosystem project this year. Our stats included 45 youth-built bird houses, four fruit trees planted, two large flower beds built, four shade trees planted, 18 cubic yards of dirt shoveled, 100 plants of twelve different species donated and planted by residents, four oak benches built for our community gathering space, and two large truck loads of mulch consumed. The new trees are now comfortably wrapped in their burlap blankets and Jim finished securing the trees to avoid wind damage over the winter.

We can hardly wait until next spring to start our 2025 projects. If you think you want to be part of an inspiring project to create beauty in the community, or you like gardening, building things like garden boxes or planters, slinging dirt or just want to watch, check out the area behind the Braeside community building and contact Jim at [email protected]. Our committee will start meeting again in January to plan the next phase.

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