The Braeside Bulletin Update for May

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The Braeside Bulleting is published by Great News Media in partnership with the Braeside Community Association and delivered to all homes in Braeside. Articles can be submitted to [email protected]. Submission deadlines are the first of every month for inclusion in the following months publication. Space limitations may prevent some material from being published. Editing may be required.

While we make every effort to ensure the information published is correct, we are not responsible for any omissions or errors.

Opinions expressed within these articles, reports, or submissions are the author’s and should not be considered as reflecting those of the editor or Community Association.

To place advertising in the Braeside Bulletin, contact Great News Media at 403-720-0762 or [email protected].

“The Braeside Community Association is committed to representing the community with honesty and integrity, working towards common values and goals.”

We are currently working on a new website! Watch next month’s Bulletin for more information. Follow us on Facebook at Braeside Community Association.

Click here to the Braeside Community News home page for the latest Braeside community updates.