Cedarbrae Community League Association News for January

Cedarbrae cn

The Cedarbrae Community League Association (CCLA) is led by a volunteer Board of Directors, nominated by the members of our community association.

It is through the countless volunteer hours donated by the CCLA Board of Directors and the many volunteers of the CCLA that we can bring a vibrant and viable community centre that provides recreational, social, and educational opportunities for the residents of Cedarbrae and by extension, the citizens of Calgary.

The Board of Directors meet at the Cedarbrae Community Centre on the second Sunday of every month at 10:00 am with exceptions of July and August. For more information visit mycedarbrae.ca.

If you have any suggestions for a special event or program you would like to see at the centre, reach out either in person or via email at [email protected]. If you would like to volunteer to organize an activity, let us know!

Click here to the Cedarbrae Community News home page for the latest Cedarbrae community updates.