Cedarbrae’s December Message from the President

Presidents Message Cedarbrae

The Cedarbrae Annual Craft and Bake Sale will be held December 8 and 9, 10am to 4pm and 10am to 3pm respectively.

This is a great opportunity for you to catch up on unique gifts in preparation for the Holidays, watch the newsletter for the advertisement.

November’s PWA had a visit from Ross Hart and Davey Boy Smith Jr. Attend the event. At one point it was standing room only! The next Prairie Wrestling Association event will be on January 12, 2019. The Centre doors open at 7pm. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the Centre for a discount or at the door.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for cooler weather so the outdoor rink crew can start flooding and preparing for outdoor skating and hockey for the holidays.

Be sure to check our calendar for an array of activities for children and adults. Many programs continue at the Centre and we are pleased to offer the popular Zumba; come on down and try it out!

Road construction continues on all sides of our neighborhood, if you have any concerns please contact [email protected].

Please visit our web page at mycedarbrae.ca, or like us on Facebook. You can also follow us on Twitter @Cedarbraeinfo! The Centre office is often open too; stop by to check out all the activity happening in our neighbourhood!

We look forward to seeing you at the Centre!

Community minded,

Steven Brown, President, CCLA