Cedarbrae’s February President’s Message

Cedarbrae pm

It is February already! Here are some special days in February for you to consider recognizing, celebrating or supporting:

February 4: World Cancer Day, International Union Against Cancer (www.uicc.org)

February 14: St. Valentine’s Day, International

February 17: Alberta Family Day, Canada

February 22: Human Trafficking Awareness Day, Canada (www.resetcalgary.ca)

February 22: Thinking Day, Canada – Scouts Canada and Girl Guides of Canada (www.scouts.ca or www.girlguides.ca)

Now that I mention Scouts and Girl Guides, is there anyone out there in Cedrabrae thinking of restarting a Scouting or Girl Guiding program for the Community? We would be happy to help you in any way that we can. Please call the office, 403-251-2101, to arrange for a meeting to discuss!

The Cedarbrae Community Centre has plans for your family on Family Day, February 17, at our ice rink, so feel free to stop by after 11:00 am. Bring your skates and take a whirl over the fabulous ice that our hardy volunteer team have passionately created. There will be a fire pit, music, as well as food and drinks available. We even have loaner skates and helmets for novice skaters! This is such a fun way to spend Family Day together!

Our Community Centre is always there for you! If you have a program you would like to run or a celebration party you would like to hold, please come by the Centre to discuss during business hours (Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm).

Our Pickleball program remains very active with playing sessions most days and additional sessions in the afternoon for Beginner/Novice players. Introductory lessons are being set up as demand increases. If you are interested in taking a lesson, just call the office to find out when the next available one is scheduled, or to add your name to a list so that sufficient interest can be determined to set up another lesson.

Supporting Community,

Martin Waugh